Nutcracker /blurb/ (ficmas)

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Alternate Title: Your Son Accidently Steps on His Daddy's Balls

This story contains: talks of body parts, talks of smut, fluff

{ dad!harry - husband!harry - Jax, boy age 3 / Charlie, girl age 5 / Jessa, girl age 8 }

word count: 901

While opening presents on Christmas morning, your youngest son accidently steps on Harry's balls and he cries out in pain, leading you to go in the bathroom with him and examine his nut sack.


Everyone is in the living room on this chilled Christmas morning. Jax, Charlie, and Jessa are opening presents from Santa on the living room floor. You and Harry are also sitting on the floor with matching pajamas, helping your three children open the larger gifts that have difficult wrappings.

Jax drags one of the presents from under the tree across the floor for his daddy to open it for him. "Woah mate, yah got it?" Harry questions, seeing the little boy struggle to move the rather large box that if you remember correctly being Legos.

"I big boy daddyyy." Jax replies in a tiny voice. Your son finally manages to drag the present over to where Harry is sitting, leaning against the couch beside you.

Harry takes the scissors and cuts open the colorful wrapping paper that's around the box. Jax stands in front of him, waiting on the gift to be revealed. Jessa pauses her Christmas present opening to look over for a moment and asks her baby brother in a exaggerated enthusiastic voice, "What'd you get Jax?"

Being eager to see his present, Jax rips the split paper with his hands, revealing a box of rainbow Legos. "Yay!" he jumps around all excited that Santa got him what he asked for.

But little Jax was too excited and when he walked around the box of Legos that sat between Harry's opened legs, his small foot accidently steps right on his daddy's penis. "Fuck, fuckin shit." Harry shouts out of pain, doubling over and grabbing at his crotch.

"Oh my, babe. You alright?" you question concernedly to your husband who's sat next to you. Harry's loud voice startles your three year old and a loud cry emits through the living room.

All Harry can do is hum a, "Mhm." You reach forward and grab a crying Jax. "Shh, it's okay. You didn't mean to hurt daddy. And I'm sure daddy didn't mean to yell. Hush now."

Charlie and Jessa look at their dad curiously. Then Charlie decides to ask, "You okay daddy?"

Harry lifts his head and not wanting to scare your children, replies, "Daddies alright, love. Just a bit sore."

Jax finally stops crying and goes over to his box of Legos hesitantly, not wanting to get too excited this time. Your other two kids go back to opening and playing with their gifts. You scoot over and whisper to Harry, "Want me to examine, you know, in the bathroom real quick?"

Harry looks up at you with a half grin and says, "Pretty please, I think it's gone purple." It's not really purple. He's just exaggerating from the way it feels. It's very painful with a slight throb. And not the good kind of throb either.

You giggle at how big of a baby Harry's being but also can't say much because you don't have a dick or balls yourself to know what if feels like to have them get hurt. "Jessa, watch Charlie and Jax for a moment while I go check on your dad's injury." you tell your eight year old daughter.

Jessa listens to you and watches over her younger siblings as they continue to play with their Christmas presents on the living room floor. You help Harry stand up and you walk him to the downstairs bathroom. When you get inside and shut the door, you crouch down on the floor in front of Harry and begun to untie the strings on his flannel pants.

You glance up quickly and Harry has a shit eating grin on his face. "Don't you even think about it mister. I'm only checking your nuts out. I will not be giving you a blowjob on Christmas morning while our kids are feet away from us on the other side of this door."

"I wasn't thinking of that at all." he retorts back.

"Sure." you state sarcastically.

Once the string is undone, you pull Harry's pj pants and boxers down his legs. Normally when you're in this position you are about to give his a blowjob, but not today. You carefully lift his limp cock and take a look at his dangling balls. The whole time Harry is looking down and watching your every move.

You cup his nut sack in the palm of your hand and determine there isn't any bruising like Harry had thought there'd be. Even the penis itself didn't look like bruising was forming. "Sooo?" Harry asks.

"Mhm..... it all looks fine to me, babe. No bruising. Just a healthy pair of nuts and cock." you explain.

You stand back up and help your husband stuff his junk back into his boxers. "Ouch, careful. Its still sore." Harry complains.

After his boxers and pants are properly on his waist again, you go to the sink and wash your hands. Then before you leave the small bathroom to be with your kids on Christmas morning, Harry pulls you in for a quick kiss. "Thank you my love. I feel better now. Although we may not be able to have anymore kids after today." Harry jokes, lips brushing yours.

"You feel better because I touched your dick and you know it. And I'm sure you'll be able to have more kids Harry. You're a very fertile man if I do recall." you mutter back and grab the doorknob, opening the bathroom door and heading into the living room again.

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