Your Daughter Finds Your Vibrators /blurb/

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AN: i'm just now realizing that i said you had your period but then mentioned how you were about to have sex with Harry at the end. just pretend that you don't have your period or something because i messed up and wrote two things that would interfere with the other.

This story contains: talks of sex toys, cursing, and crying

{ husband!harry - dad!harry - 2021 Harry era (any) }

word count: 1094

When your daughter wonders into your room while you're at the store and Harry is on the sofa holding a sleeping baby, she finds your vibrators and goes to ask her daddy what the colorful items were.


You're a women with sexual needs. Needs that your husband Harry is more than happy to care for whenever you ask. But sometimes he's busy with work or sometimes you both just love a little *buzz buzz* in your sexual pleasures while having mutual sex and that's why you have an array of different vibrators. Some vibrators you prefer to use during solo masturbation and some vibrators you enjoy while having sex with Harry.

Because you have small children, you and Harry try and keep them securely locked away so their little eyes don't come across your sex toys. Mostly they're kept in your bedside table drawers and one or two are inside your closet.


You had to go to the store and purchase some pads and tampons because your period unfortunately arrived last night. You left Harry to watch your two children. A daughter who's four and a son who's eight months old. Harry is a great dad so you had no problem leaving him home alone with the kids. It's just that four year old's can be nosy and get into things if you turn your back for even a second.

Harry was laid on the sofa with your eight month old son on his chest, taking a little nap. Right before you left for the store you had breast fed him so the baby just got sleepy. Your daughter was in her playroom, presumably playing with her toys. Harry knew she was in there playing and felt safe to leave her be while he allowed your son to nap. He'd check on her every couple minutes anyways and last time he peeked his head into the playroom door, your daughter was hyper-focused on her dolls and dollhouse.

It had been about ten minutes since the last time Harry had got up to check on your daughter. He'd just lost track of time and truly didn't want to move too much with a sleeping baby on his chest. In the time spanned of him not checking on her, she had wondered out her playroom and into your bedroom that was across the hall.

At first your daughter didn't know what to do when in there but soon migrated over to the bedside tables, more specifically your bedside table that was on your side of the bed. Her little hands touched and grabbed at random items and soon she opened the drawer. When your four year old daughter opened it enough, she could see bright colorful items that she thought was maybe lollipops or some kind of toy. No, they definitely weren't candy and yes, they were toys but not the kind for kids to have.

 No, they definitely weren't candy and yes, they were toys but not the kind for kids to have

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She grabbed out about three of the colorful vibrators: one pink, one teal, and one purple and started trying to figure out what their use was or how to play with them. After a few minutes of handling the vibrators in her hands, your daughter decided to just go ask her daddy what the colorful items were.

Her small feet carefully walked her down the stairs and led her into the living room where Harry and her baby brother were laying on the couch. From the way you enter the living room, its behind the couch so Harry couldn't directly see your daughter at first. And before the four year old rounded the couch, she questioned, "Daddy, what are these toys I found in yours and mummy's room?"

"What toys, baby?" Harry asked back genuinely. He had no idea what she had in her hands in that moment, beings she was out of eyes view still.

Finally your daughter came in front of the sofa and replied to her daddy, "These." holding up the three vibrators in her hands innocently.

Harry glanced over at your daughter and can clearly see what she held in her hands. Two silicon dildos and one pink vibrating bullet. In a delayed reaction due to being in a state of shock, he frantically sat up and yelled in the calmest voice possible but still sounding mad, "Shit, no, no, no. Give me those!" Harry snatched the vibrators out your daughters hands and the way her daddy spoke to her and his aggressive movements, startled her. Your four year old burst into tears, waking the sleeping boy on his chest.

Harry quickly stuffed the vibrators behind the couch pillow and hooked his free arm around his crying daughter, bringing her to his chest. "Shh my love. Daddy didn't mean to raise his voice at you. You just scared me for a second. Those aren't for little kids, baby. They are mummy and daddy toys only, okay."

With one hand rubbing up and down the eight month old's back, calming him down, Harry sat his daughter on his upper leg, allowing her to cry in his neck. He felt terrible that he yelled at her. He didn't intend to raise his voice because Harry is always the one who stays calm in arguments and such. It just scared the living shit out of him seeing her hold the items you both use when naked in the bed. At least he cleaned the vibrators after the last time they were used. And he thanks God that she didn't find the realistic dildo you have that's an exact replica of his penis. That would defiantly have scarred your daughter.

After a few minutes of calming both children down, Harry ended up laying back down on the sofa and allowed both kids to fall asleep on his chest. He decided to tell you about the incident tonight, when you were alone in your room together.


You'd put the kids to sleep and Harry and yourself was about to share some husband and wife intimacy. You don't always use a vibrator during sex, but tonight you decided you wanted to. When you search through your bedside table drawer and don't see your normal vibrators, you quietly yell, "Harry, where are our vibrators at? They're missing!"

Harry comes out of the master bathroom, naked as could be, and mutters, "Well, about that....."

Needless to say, you were mortified when he told you what happened when you were at the store earlier and know from now on, you'll have to hind your vibrators high up on a self in your closet so little four year old's can't come across such things.

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