The Flying Pacifier /blurb/ {HSLOT}

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This story contains: cuteness, pure fluff

{ dad!harry - husband!harry - MSG NYC show night 1 }

word count: 653

While on stage, Harry's daughter Posie throws her binky to her daddy and he catches it and continues to hold it for her until after the show.


Harry has always been great at catching things on stage when his fans throw items at him. Whether that's glasses, phones, or fluffy handcuffs. So when his two year old daughter threw something on stage tonight, it's no surprise that Harry caught it with ease.


Harry is performing at Madison Square Garden tonight and his whole family is in the audience. His wife y/n, his eight year old daughter Lizzie, five year old son Kade, and two year old daughter Posie. They stood on the floor beside the stage to have a good view but also in an area close to security, in order to keep them safe.

For Harry's thank you speech tonight, he talks into the microphone, "Just want to thank a few people here tonight. I want to thank my band for being here and playing with me. I want to thank the people who make this show possible, the crew who work before and after the shows, setting everything up. I want to thank all of you guys, the fans, for being here tonight and supporting me though the years. And most importantly, I want to thank my family," Harry points to his family and the crowd cheers, "my lovely wife y/n, and my three children, Lizzie, Kade, and Posie. Wouldn't be up here right now if I didn't have them in my life. So thank you for being here. I love you very much."

Harry goes on to sing a few more songs before he has a small break from singing and speaks to the crowd for a few minutes. He talks to a section of the pit that was lacking enthusiasm. He tells a joke or two.

Then when he walks over to in front his little family, Lizzie and Kade who are standing, jump up and down, loving the attention their daddy is bring to them. And Posie is in her mothers arms with ear muffs over her ears, because she's so small.

They all cheer daddy and the crowd awws, loving his interaction towards his family. Then right before Harry goes to sing Watermelon Sugar with a smirk, beings it's about his wife who's right there, he's met with a flying object.

At first Harry doesn't register what the item was or who threw it. But his quick reflexes allow him to catch the small item with ease. And once it's in his hand, Harry gasps in the mic as he looks down at the piece of rubber and hard plastic on a string, sitting in his large palm. Very surprised as to what was thrown at him.

Harry's youngest daughter Posie just threw her pacifier, also referred to them as her binky, all the way up to the stage and he caught it. He turns his head and looks down to his little girl that's in his wife's arms. "Did you little missy, just throw your binky to daddy? Hum?" The crowd laughs and the camera gets a clear shot of a smiley Posie, blasting her face on the big screen. "You're gonna need that." Harry yells through the microphone in a playful tone but is actually being serious, knowing she needs it to sleep with each night.

Harry continues, "Alright my little love, I tell you what, daddy will hold on to it for you and you can get it after the show. Because I know all too well that you'll need this bugger to sleep tonight." His wife mouths a thank you and Harry winks at her.

So Harry takes the binky and uses the clip at the end of the string to clip it onto his black suit top, making sure it's secure and won't fall off with his active on stage body. For the remainder of the show, his fans took many photos of the singer as his daughter's pacifier dangled from his top and thought it was the most adorable thing in the world.

After the concert was over and Harry was backstage with his family, he unclipped the binky and gave it back to his mischievous two year old daughter, Posie.

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