Gentle Face Fucking (SMUT) /blurb/

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Anonymous asked:

Hey, can you write a blurb about Harry fucking y/n's mouth really hard, it brings tears to her eyes and she chokes but both of them have a great time. Then after, when it's after care time, y/n's throat is hurting and Harry takes a look, feeling bad seeing it all red. Maybe he makes her tea and just a lot of fluff!

AN: i got this request today and found the motivation to write it. and because i only write about soft!harry, it was difficult to write such a topic but i made it as soft as i possibly could. otherwise i don't think i would have been able to write about face fucking. and i know i said i may be less active and that still is true. my internet still sucks and won't get fixed until monday. so if this gets posted without complications, its a miracle

This story contains: face fucking (not too rough), comfort, aftercare

{ husband!harry - no kids - dunkirk harry era }

word count: 747

Harry face fucks you for the first time and then brings you tea to help your sore throat afterwards.


"You sure you want to do this, love?" Harry questions as you're kneeled down in front of his naked standing figure, on the floor of the bedroom. See, face fucking is something new to you both. You don't normally do anything rough during sex or foreplay. But you saw a face fucking video and thought, why not give it a try. Just once and if you don't like it than you'll never do it again.

Looking up, you mutter, "Yes Harry, I'm sure. Just you know........, pay attention to me s'all. Like to make sure I'm okay and if it gets too much, I'll pinch your thighs." You did trust Harry. That wasn't the issue. Its just doing something to this level in the bedroom is nerve racking for you both and you'll need all the comfort you can get in such a vulnerable situation.

"Okay m'love. I'll be sure not to go too rough." Harry replies gently and takes a hold of his hard cock, bringing it towards your mouth. You happily open your mouth wide and allow his shaft to slip along your tongue, hitting the back of your throat. Fortunately, you don't have much of a gag reflex. If you did, you don't think you'd be able to do this without throwing up on his dick.

Once he's all the way inside, Harry grabs your hair at the back of your head and pulls his hips back. Then he thrust forward, making the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat and your eyes start watering. He's careful not to pull your hair too hard because he knows you're tender headed. Harry is also looking down and watching your reaction, making sure you're alright the entire time.

With your hands grabbing the back of Harry's thighs, you allow him to fuck his cock in and out your mouth. The only negative side to this that you can spot is the back of your throat is becoming sore from bruising. Other than that and maybe excess drool dripping onto the floor and your thighs, you actually kinda enjoying this. Just something about trusting Harry enough to do this makes you feel comfortable.

As the minutes go on, Harry knows he's about to come. He can feel his stomach muscles flutter and his legs become wobbly. His chest is heaving and his vision is becoming blurry. "M'gonna come, baby. Fuckin' hell!" Harry moans out.

Suddenly, you feel ropes of Harry's cum drip down your throat as he holds your head down on his cock. Your nose is pressed to his hairy mound. You focus on relaxing your throat so you don't choke more than necessary. Harry lets a high pitched noise exit his wide opened mouth, head tilted back towards the ceiling. When he feels you squeeze his thighs extra hard, he pulls your head back and off his cock.

You instantly inhale a deep breath and wipe away your teary eyes. Harry looks down, still breathing heavy, and asks, "You alright? Didn't go too hard did I?"

Catching your breath, you answer with a very hoarse voice, "No, I liked it. Maybe not something we do often but on occasion, yeah. And just um, might need some tea for my throat. It's kinda hurting from having your dick hit the back of it repeatedly."

Harry smiles and bends down to lift your naked body up off the bedroom floor. He sets you on the bed and instructs, "Stay right there, alright. Be right back. Gonna get a cloth to clean your thighs and chin with and bring you back a cup of warm tea to sooth your throat."


Minutes later, Harry brings back a damp cloth and helps you clean up your thighs and chin that are sticky with your saliva. Then he hands you the warm cup of tea. You take slow sips and it instantly makes your throat feel better.

"I feel bad that I hurt your throat though." Harry sighs sadly as he leans against the headboard in a pair of fresh boxers.

You set the cup of tea beside the bed and move to straddle his lap. Then you lean forward and hug around his upper body, head laying on his shoulder. "Don't feel bad, Harry," you rasp out, "I enjoyed it. I trust you and know you'd never hurt me on purpose."

After that, you both just lay in that position for a while before getting ready for bed.

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