"M' Scared You're Gonna Leave Me" /blurb/

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AN: this is sorta based on part of the Rolling Stone interview Harry did a few days ago. where he talks about how hard it is for him to be in relationships. hope you enjoy and feedback is welcome.

This story contains: mentions of sex, sorta sad harry, mild angst ?, comfort, bit of crying, happy ending

{ fiance!harry - softrry - current harry era }

word count: 1,142

Harry has been acting more clingy towards you as well as his sudden boost in sex drive and when you finally ask him why the sudden behavior, he admits the heartbreaking truth.


Harry's been acting different these past few weeks. You can't exactly understand what may have triggered this but you do know Harry has been so much more clingier with you. As well as the change in your sex life.

Before your fiances' strange behavior, you and him had sex a normal amount. Usually at least every other day, sometimes everyday if you were feeling up for it. And on the week of your period, you'd skip five to seven days. But now it's like Harry wants sex all the time. You're not complaining but you do find his sudden sex drive increase strange.

And it's not just the frequent sex, it's the type of sex. You've never been too kinky during sex but by no means did you make love every time. Now it's like every time you have sex with Harry it's super vulnerable and emotions are running high. As if he's afraid you'll slip through his fingers in a blink of an eye.

Harry gives extra love to every inch of your body, taking his time to cherish you properly. He'll sticks to missionary due to the fact he feels more close to you in that position. He's constantly telling you he loves you during sex, as if he thinks you'll forget one day.


Harry hasn't told you yet but the reason he's been acting so different lately is because your relationship together is getting longer then any of his previous relationships and it scares him. Not that he fears he'll fall out of love with you but he's scared you'll leave him. They always leave.

The paparazzi constantly tracking his and whoever he's withs every move, the rumors of cheating and speculations of his sexuality, the criticism of just about anything he or anyone close to him does. It's just too much for most to handle and Harry knows that. His past partners have made that clear after each one broke his heart. But if he loses you, his fiancee that he proposed to three months ago, he doesn't think he'd survive.


Currently, Harry is in one of his clingy moods. You're sat on the couch, leaning against the arm, watching a film, and he's practically in your lap. Though you don't mind, you know something in his behavior has changed and you know you must ask him what the cause is. Just for some clarification to calm your mind a bit.

"Harry babe," you mutter in the ear that's not currently pressed into your shoulder, "can I ask you something?"

He shifts a bit in your lap and replies cluelessly to what you're about to ask, "Course, love. Anythin'."

Rubbing your hand gently down Harry's back, you calmly question, "Is everything alright? You've been acting a bit different lately. Always wanting me to hold you or how our sex is only what I'd considered traditional 'love making'. I'm not complaining because..... well I love our intimacy, during sex or how we are now, on the couch watching a movie, cuddling. Just want to know if there are any reasons that may be causing these things."

Harry hearing you ask this was something he thought may come up eventually, but he wasn't sure when. He tried to be subtle about his clinginess or the want to be as physically close to you at all times as possible, but he must have failed in doing so.

Sitting up off your chest, Harry heaves a nervous breath before admitting, "M' scared you're gonna leave me. They always do. I know we're engaged and I've never been engaged to anyone before but still...... you could always back out. I know some of my fans can be a bit rude to my partners and...... and the fame status I hold can be alot for some people. It's not my fault. I wanted to be a singer. Not someone who is constantly in the media, good or bad, and gets shit on and their partners gets shit on all the time. I love you so much. Can't lose you."

In the last sentence Harry spoke, you could hear his voice crack as he tried to hold in his emotions. His confession is heartbreaking. You've had many chances to run away from this chaotic life you have that comes along with being with Harry. But the love you feel for this man in your lap right now outweighs all the negatives. There will never be anything that triggers you to the point you feel you must leave him. Never, ever, ever.

"Babe, look at me," you instruct Harry in a voice just shy of a whisper, "I will never leave you. I love you so much. I said yes when you proposed when I could have said no. I said yes because I truly want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't give two shits what the media says about our relationship. Our relationship isn't for them. It's for us, me and you. You don't need to worry that I'm gonna leave because it's not happening."

The intense eye contact mixed with your sincere words makes Harry finally let silent tears roll down his soft cheeks. You lean forward and give him a gentle kiss on his lips and Harry is imidiantly leaning into your touch. This kiss stays simple and only lasts a few seconds before Harry is wrapping his arms around your shoulders and buries his wet face in your warm neck.

He clings to you tightly but not out of fear you'll leave this time, just out of his love for you. The comfort you bring to him is something he'll never be able to express enough. His life is chaotic for not only those around him but for he himself and he's the one living it. So it's even harder on him and he's thankful you understand that.

After a few minutes of holding Harry to your chest, the movie long forgotten about, you whisper, "Just because you know I won't leave you now doesn't mean you have to stop being clingy towards me or stop our frequent love making. I still love all that you know."

Without moving from his position, Harry replies back with a small smile on is face, "Don't worry, love. I'll always be clingy towards you. As long as you're okay with it of course. You make me feel safe. And there is nothing more I'd rather do then make love to you any chance I get. Love you lots."


After a while of holding Harry on the couch, you both migrate to your shared bedroom where you do your nightly routines together and get in bed. You decide on spooning Harry because you feel he needs it tonight. Then with Harry in your arms, the two of you fall soundly asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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