Shyly Asking to Suck on Harry's Boobs During Sex (SMUT) /blurb/

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AN: so the first part of this was written a few days ago and i finished it today, so it may not flow well together. or maybe i'm the only one who can notice it. and btw, this is for anyone who is in love with Harry's tits and would like to give them a sucky suck ; )

This story contains: sexual intercourse, male boob sucking

{ boyfriend!harry - HSLOT Harry era but not specifically a HSLOT directed fic }

word count: 1171

While riding Harry's cock, you're forced to tell Harry how you want to suck on his tits when Harry notices you staring at them and has you confess your desire to have them in your mouth.


You are currently riding Harry's cock. Hips going back and forth, grinding your clit down hard with each pass. He feels so good inside your pussy. Very deep and hitting all your pleasure spots. Harry is laying in the center of the bed with his hands on your hips, helping you have steady rhythm. And as you're riding his large cock, you keep glancing down to where your hands lay flat on each of his breast plates. The breasts the are covered in an array of tattoos and his nipples that are hardened from arousals. God they look tasty you think to yourself.

Harry notices you looked down at his chest and questions you out of breath, "What? Why'd yah keep looking at my chest for?" The real reason you keep looking at his sexy chest is because you want to suck on his man boobs, but you're embarrassed to admit it. What if its a turn off for Harry or what if he judges you for wanting to do something of the sorts. So you just mutter shyly, "I... I don't know." in a quiet voice.

"Hey," Harry speaks while halting your moving hips, "it isn't nothing. You can tell me anything love. S'what is it?" He has a feeling that you may want to suck on his boobs while riding his dick, but doesn't want to come out and say it until you say it first. Harry doesn't want to be wrong, therefore he wants you to admit it on your own.

You take a deep breath and mumble, "I don't know. I just.... your boobs look really good and I... I..I want to suck on them." The whole time you speak those words, you don't dare make eye contact with Harry. You just keep your head hanging down, looking at where your bodies are connected. You're super embarrassed for some reason. Harry sucks on your tits all the time. But the idea of a women sucking on a man's breast during sex or foreplay just seems a bit weird. Or is it weird? Is that even normal? Do women suck on their male partners breast while being intimate with each other? You didn't know but what you did know is you have this urge to do just that. Suck on Harry's nipples. Have his hard nipples around your lips.

"Baby, why didn't you just tell me?! I don't care. You can suck on them if you want. It'll probably feel good anyways for me." Harry coos very gently to you, to let you know he's truly fine with it and not to show any hesitation in his voice.

With his conformation, you slowly bend down and attach your mouth to Harry's right nipple. He instantly lets out a loud moan and that lets you know he's enjoying it just as much as you are to be doing it. You began moving your hips again and continue sucking on Harry's nipple. His nipple feels so warm in your mouth and this new angle your body is in (instead of upright, laying down on his chest) is making Harry's cock feel even better inside of you. Not to mention how your clit is being stimulated perfectly with each grind of your hips.

Harry can see your hair is in your face and collects it in one of his hands, holding it behind your head in a make-shift pony tail. Then he plants both feet into the firm mattress and starts bucking his hips up into your wet cunt because you're getting a wee bit preoccupied with his nipples and the rhythm of your hips has started to fade. He isn't upset by that though because Harry can clearly see you're having a good time lapping up his breasts and loves the feeling anyways.

You are both a moaning mess. Your eyes are screwed shut and you're focusing on Harry's hard nipples in your mouth. You alternate to give them each equal attention. Right nipple for a minute, then left nipple for a minute. The combination of Harry's bucking hips and your rolling motion, you know you're gonna come any second now. Harry reaches the hand that isn't holding your hair back down to one of your ass cheeks, gripping it tightly to help you roll your hips faster because he knows you and him both are desperate for your orgasms to appear.

Seconds later, you come all over his dick. Harry's cock hitting your g spot over and over again becomes too much and your clit being rubbed fantastically on his hairy mound, it lite the pleasure fuse inside your body and it all explodes. And with your inner walls squeezing Harry tight, he can't help but ejaculate his cum inside your fluttering pussy. Along with the nipple pleasure you're giving to him, making his release feel even better. Harry has always enjoyed nipple play but just like you, was too afraid to ask for it or bring it up during sex. Now he knows you like doing it so its a win win situation.

When you both have come down form your highs, you shuffle your face up and away from his boobs and hide your face in Harry's neck, breathing rather heavy. And Harry lets go of your hair and rubs his hands up and down your naked and sweaty back, out of breath as well.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence of the post orgasm bliss, you sit your body upright, hissing when Harry's cock twitches inside your pussy, and say with a small but still shy grin, "I really like you tits Harry."

"Yeah," Harry softly smiles up at you and continues, "well I like that you like my boobs because it felt really nice. I mean your mouth on my nipples that is. You can do that anytime you want during sex. Don't have to ask silly. Remember, my body is all yours. Do whatever you want to do with it. Especially when it benefits both of our pleasure's." Without replying back, you move your arms to press your hands on the pillow beside of Harry's disheveled curly head, and bend down to connect your lips with his.

The kiss is used as a conversation without words. Harry can feel that you understand what he convened to you and you try your best to replicate that you understand and trust his words. From now on, when you get in the mood to have some fun and suck on Harry's beautifully crafted tits, you won't hesitate. You love doing it and Harry loves you doing it, so it will definitely be a staple in your sex life.

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