Sub Harry was in an Abusive Relationship in His Past /blurb/

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Anonymous asked:

imagine sub harry having a previous relationship where his dom was really mean to him and didn't take care of him properly. when he gets into a relationship with y/n and they start playing into the whole sub dom thing he gets confused when she tries to do aftercare or being gentle with him in general. he might even cry at the gestures he's not use to.

AN: may or may not elaborate on this in the future. and this wasn't suppose to be a blurb so that's why it may be worded differently. it was originally just suppose to be my response to the ask.

This story contains: talks of abuse done by a dominate, crying, comfort, talks of sex

{ subrry - boyfriend!harry - softdom!y/n }

word count: 655

Harry's ex girlfriend and dom mistreated him and until he got into a relationship with y/n, Harry didn't realize how wrong he'd been treated in the past.


Harry's previous dom would be extra rough with him to the extent he knew something wasn't right. Yeah some sub/dom relationships play into the whole bdsm aspect, but that wasn't what he wanted when he agreed to participate in that kind of sexual relationship.

His ex would intentionally hurt his feelings and put his good work down. She would fuck him and then because she knew he was tired, go off to the bathroom where she'd precede to masturbate instead of using his cock or mouth. That meant Harry was left to lay on the bed, all vulnerable and confused because he'd be well into subspace and needed to feel close to his dom but she wasn't around.

Sometimes he'd stumble his way to the bathroom after his ex was finished and have to clean his own self up. Like wiping the lube from his sore butt. Or Harry would want to cuddle on a Saturday evening but his ex girlfriend and dom would constantly say he didn't deserve cuddles. Which really confused Harry because he hadn't broken any rules.

So months after their breakup and Harry started dating y/n, he didn't even want to bring up the fact that he used to be very submissive and his ex was his dom. He tried to hide that part of himself. But y/n found out and secretly loved that he was submissive because she felt very dominate herself so it worked out great for the two.

The first time they'd had sex and actually played into the roles of sub and dom, Harry was very confused. Y/n was treating him so well and though she was taking over and controlling everything that happened, she wasn't being rough. He felt safe with her.

It took Harry a few different times of having that type of sex before he fell into subspace afterwards. He laid on the bed, just having been fucked and rode, and yet again he felt really vulnerable. When y/n got off the bed and went to the bathroom, he assumed she was cleaning herself up and then would be coming to the bed for sleep. But Harry was shocked to find out y/n had just went to grab a cloth to help clean his bum with.

As y/n gently wiped around his hole, Harry begin softly crying. That had y/n looking up and she asked, "Babe, what's wrong? Does it hurt or something?" Harry shook his head and replied, "Just, just you're cleaning me up. That's so nice of you." Then he started to cry harder because of the kind gesture he wasn't used to. Also subspace made him extra sensitive and emotional.

Y/n looked at him confusedly and reply, "Baby, this is what I'm suppose to do. It's called aftercare. Your ex never did this for you? You know, after you had sex together like this?" Harry shook his head no and y/n's heart sank.

Even with a confused head, Harry managed to explain further, "She never did this for me. Had to clean my bum myself. And.......and, *sob* she was really mean to me. She wouldn't cuddle me and she wouldn't comfort me when I needed it most. Made me sad a lot 'cause I didn't know what I did wrong."

At this point y/n had finished wiping and drying his bum hole and moved up beside where he laid on the bed. There were tears in her eyes at the thought of someone not properly taking care of such a sweet soul like Harry. Y/n pulled the covers up over their naked bodies and held him close as he cried into her chest. Eventually Harry fell asleep and it was all to do with the secure hold y/n had around him. He felt so safe and loved and came to realize he was in a very abusive relationship before this one.

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