Periods = No Sex After Date Night /blurb/

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AN: surprise! thought of this idea and finally put it together. hope you enjoy.

This story contains: talks of sex, kissing, periods, comfort, fluff

{ boyfriend!harry - soft!harry - Dunkirk Harry era - live together }

word count: 900

When you arrive home from a dinner date, you have to break a steamy kiss before Harry gets too worked up, and tell him the unfortunate news that you have you period and no sex can occur.


Harry took you to a very fancy restaurant for a date night. Everything was perfect. The food tasted divine and the wine was immaculate. Harry looked amazing with his loosely styled back curls and colorful suit. Nothing could have gone better in your opinion.


As you're driving back to your shared house, you have a feeling Harry wants to get some action tonight. Action as in sex. On any other day you'd love nothing more than to come home from a perfect date night dinner and have him lead you to the bedroom to share some intimacy. Just not tonight when you unfortunately have your period.

See, Harry is unaware you have your period because you started it midday and the conversation has yet to come up. You're not embarrassed for him to know you have your period by any means. He usually tracks it himself each month to make sure and take care of you the best he can. Harry just forgot to remember this months starting day for your period.


When you arrive home, you go to walk up the stairs but Harry turns your body around and places one hand on the back of your neck, pushing you face to his for a deep kiss. Seconds into your tongues melding together, he pulls away slowly with hazy eyes and whispers inches away from you face, "Tonight was amazing. You looked and still look beautiful in that dress you're wearing."

You shyly smile and softly speak back, "Thank you, babe. I really loved tonight too." Harry's lips soon find yours again and you know you must speak up and tell him you're on your period before he gets too flustered and worked up.

So you place your hands on his shoulders and disconnect your lips again. "Babe, I'm sorry but we can't. Not tonight." Harry gives you a confused look and you quickly explain, "Harry, I got my period today. I know it's bad timing because today was so perfect and I know you wanted nothing more than to take me home and us have sex. Now I feel bad."

"Hey, it's alright. I should have known you started today. I just forgot to check my calendar. We don't have to have sex, love. We can get undressed and put some comfier clothes on and cuddle in bed. How does that sound?" Harry says with a reassuring smile. You love how caring he ALWAYS is.

"Yeah, a cuddle would be nice. Maybe a tummy rub too. My cramps are starting to come in." you respond.


You both trail upstairs and go into your shared room. You take some pjs out of your dresser and head to the bathroom. You normally would change in front of Harry but you needed some privacy so you could take care of your period. And you also had to take your makeup off and brush your teeth.

Harry takes his clothes off, leaving him in his boxers, and folds the duvet back on the bed so it's ready for you to slide in. By the time he's finished doing all that, you come out the bathroom in your oversized t-shirt and pajama shorts.

"Go get cozy in bed, my love. I'll be right back. Just need to brush my teeth." Harry sweetly demands and walks into the bathroom. You do as he says and slip under the sheets and comforter. Then you wait for Harry to return. While you wait though, you can feel your cramps getting worse and pray you can sleep tonight.

Harry pads out the bathroom and walks around the bed to get in with you. Then he asks, "If you want some medicine, I'll go downstairs and grab you some with a glass of water?"

"No, I think I'll be fine. Just need your warm hand on my lower tummy." you say sleepily, knowing you hate taking pain pills so medicine is your last resort.

"Alright, my baby. Turn around so I can spoon you then." Harry quietly speaks. You turn on your side and Harry reaches to flip the lamp off before settling down and cradling the back of your body to his front. He allows one arm to settle under your neck and his other slings over your hip for that hand to slip under your t-shirt.

Harry places his hand on your lower stomach, right above the top of your shorts, and questions, "Is this alright? More or less pressure?"

"Bit more pressure please." you respond. You let out a sigh of relief at the warmth Harry's hand is bringing to your cramped stomach and how you can already feel it helping with your pain. But you also still feel guilty from ruining what could have been a night full of love making.

You mumble out in the dark of your room, "I really am sorry Harry. I know you wanting sex tonight and you probably got blue balls and.... and....."

Harry cuts you off. "Shhh, love. Never be sorry over something you can't control. And sex or no sex, as long as I'm here with you, no matter the situation, I'm happy. Now go to sleep love and if you need me through-out the night, wake me up, okay?"

"Okay." you whisper and drift off to an unconscious state of sleep with Harry spooning you all while his hand does magic to your period cramps.

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