🎇New Years Eve Gone Wrong🎇 /blurb/

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AN: this is loosely based on my reality as i'm terrified to drink alcohol and or be around drunk people due to my mom when i was little. so i thought instead of writing a fic where you drink on new years eve like most will do, i decided to write a real reality for some people.

This story contains: talks of alcohol, talks of drunk people, anxiety, comfort

{ newish boyfriend!harry }

word count : 985

Your anxiety spikes at a New Years Eve party due to the alcohol and Harry takes you home.


Ever since you were young, you've been scared of alcohol. It steams from a few specific occurrences of when your mom got drunk in front of you as a child and you'll never forget the terror you felt seeing your mom act piss drunk around you.

So ever since then, you've stayed away from alcohol. Yeah, you've had a sip of wine here and there. Even a sip of vodka, which by the way made you chest burn just from the tiny sip so you don't know how people enjoy it. But other than that, you've never drank. And when you're around people drinking, you feel your anxiety spike and you become uneasy.

Now as an adult though, you understand what alcohol does to ones body and you realize how people can act when haven had some. Because when you were a child, your mom acting silly when drunk made you think something was wrong, but you understand that aspect of it better.


Tonight you're at a New Years Eve party with Harry, your boyfriend of four months. He's aware you don't care to drink alcohol yourself but besides that, he doesn't know the reason behind it or that you also hate others to drink around you. But you don't want to mention it because you don't want to ruin his night.

Harry himself wouldn't ever make you drink if you didn't want too and he holds back himself from drinking so you don't feel alone. The gesture itself could make you cry happy tears. And he's always been big on the saying, 'you don't have to drink in order to have fun', which is very true in your books.


Around eleven-thirty, most everyone at the party is drunk, besides you and Harry of course. You feel bad because you have a feeling he'd love to be just as plastered as the rest but isn't all because of you.

When people begin to get more hyped for the new year to roll over, you can feel your anxiety start to act up. All these people talking slurred and acting unlike themselves due to the alcohol is bring back the memories of your mom and its slightly scaring you.

As you sit next to Harry on one of the many sofas this house has, you begin to breath heavy and your legs start to shake. The smell of alcohol lingering in the air makes your tummy churn. That's when Harry notices and quietly asks in your ear, "You alright, babe?"

You're startled by his question at first but retort back almost defensively, "Yeah, yeah. M'fine."

"Love, you're shaking and you look as though you're gonna cry. Tell me what's the matter." Harry sweetly speaks, worried something is wrong because of how your behavior has shifted suddenly.

"I.... I, um..." you stutter, unable to find the words and Harry is quick to stand up, taking your hand, and walking you both towards the bathroom so you can talk more privately. Some may think you're going in there for a shag but its far from that.

Once in the small bathroom, Harry shuts the door behind you both and turns to you with a worried expression. "Please m'love. Did something happen while I was off talking to my mates? Did someone touch you because I swear to God it anyone laid a finger on you.."

You interrupt Harry by muttering, "No, no one touched me. Its, its the alcohol." You look down in shame for admitting you're all worked up over alcohol that neither of you even drank.

"What about the alcohol y/n? You didn't have any and I know I haven't drank any even though I've been handed cup after cup tonight. Just poured them out as soon as they met my hand."

"I know we haven't drank, Harry. Its other people. You know I hate alcohol but what you don't know is I hate when people drink around me too. Its because of my mom. She'd get drunk around me when I was little and it scared me. So now being around drunk people kinda scares me s'all." you explain nervously.

"Baby," Harry softly coos, leaning down to wrap his arms around you, "why didn't you tell me beforehand? We wouldn't have even came if I'd known. Because I could have told you people would be getting drunk here and if I knew it made you uncomfy, I'd not brought you here."

Into Harry's warm and safe chest, you reply, "But, I didn't want to ruin your night. I wanted you to come and hang out with friends. I even know you probably wanted to drink as well but didn't all because of me."

"Y/n, I couldn't care less about this party. As long as I'm with you, that's all that matters. I don't care where our New Years kiss happens. Whether we share a New Years kiss in bed, on the couch, or in this bathroom. And I'm almost thirty, love. Alcohol doesn't do me any good anyways. Makes me feel terrible and gives me horrible hangovers. So you really just did me a favor."

With that, you giggle slightly and snuggle deeper into your boyfriends chest.


Harry led you out the bathroom and takes you to his car, driving you both back to his house where you'd planed to sleep over. At one of the stop lights, you realized the clock said 12:00 and reached over the console for your New Years kiss.

When you arrived to his house, Harry walked you up the stairs where he ran you a bath to share and helped you dry off. Then getting you into bed together. He cuddled you close as you heard some fireworks being shot off in the distance.

Here you felt safe, in Harry's arms, under his warm duvet, and sleeping peacefully. You couldn't be more thankful for how understanding he is. How did you get so lucky, you question yourself daily.

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