Chapter 2

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I was looking at the brief the client had provided when my door swung open scaring me a litltle. I looked up to see my brother standing there looking furious and I almost shit my pants seeing him. I looked at the time but it wasn't time yet for my meeting

"Hi bhai" I said getting up

"You walked here this morning" he asked

"Ya, I just felt like it" I said and he walked closer

"Nandini what have I told you about walking alone"

"Bhai it was 8 in the morning, and it's only a 10 minute walk" I reasoned

"Quit being so careless" he taunted

"What have I done bhai" I asked trying not to cry again

"You are being careless, just becasue there is light outside and its 8 in the morning doesn't mean you aren't in danger" he spat out

"Im sorry it won't happen again"

"It better not" he said

"Cabir stop being so controlling" I heard navya as she walked inside

"Well then tell her not to behave like a child that I have to look after all the time"

"She is 24 for god sake cabir"

"She never acts 24"

"Fine you wanna play this game lets do it, I am 24 too and you are never this controlling over me so just enough with this stupid act" she said and he looked pissed


"No Nandini this is fucked up, you keep stopping me but he never listens or stops so why should I"

"Navya you are crossing a line here, its between my sister and I"

"Well you don't act like a god damn brother so the day you do ill not cross that line" Navya yelled at him

He looked at me and then Navya, I could tell there was something going on in his head but he didn't say a single word, he just left my cabin and I fell in my chair

"Nandini do not take his words to heart" navya said sitting beside me

"He hates me navya" I whispered

"He doesn't hate you Nandini, you know he is still messed up in his head about some past events" she said

"But how is it my fault" I asked being helpless

"It is not, but you know him better than anyone Nandini, he is just like Manik, he is stubborn, hot headed and very protective of you" she said and my head turned to her hearing Manik's name

"Manik" I said being shocked and she nodded

"I know you baby" is all she said

"Do you think if I make him cupcakes he will be happy" I asked and she nodded

"Later in the evening we can okay" she said kissing my head and I nodded

She left my cabin and I looked at the time to see it was time for my meeting so I headed to the meeting hall. I sat down waiting for the clients to come when my phone vibrated

'Good luck my love, I know you will do amazing' his texts read making me smile

'Thank you rockstar' I replied with the kissy emoji

A few seconds later the meeting started, in the middle of it I saw bhai looking at me since he was present in the meeting as well and I took a deep breath so I do not cry in front of everyone.

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