Chapter 30

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I finished the last file as well and as if one cue, he came out in sweats with wet hair. He is so handsome, y'all that's my fiancé haha. I couldn't help but grin at him, he is perfect.

"Im not melting" he said standing in front of the mirror

"Manik, its a stupid thing to be upset about"

"How is it stupid"

"It's stupid because you need these files, you are already stressed over it, what did you want me to do Manik? Sit here and watch you be stressed or help. I chose to help they are all done, double check them."

"Babe you are gonna get sick"

"Thats fine, but you being rude is not helping" I said getting up

"Im sorry if it came across like that, im just worried for you. You know that I don't give a single fuck about these deals when it comes to you"

"I know but they are done now so no need to cry over spilled milk" I said and he pulled me to him

"This is the last time you are doing this, is that understood nandini" his voice was firm and hard

"Yes it is understood manik"

"Thank you for helping me, I can't believe you finished them so soon"

"Well when your fiancé isn't all over you work tends to get done fast" I teased

"You love it"

"I sure do" I said leaning up to his face and he leaned down meeting me half way to a beautiful kiss

"Umm manik food" I said pulling back

"I am having my food now shh" he siad pulling me closer but I put my hand over his lips

"Whatttttt" he wined like I stole his favourite food away from him


"Ahh fine, ill cook what would you like for breakfast" he asked picking me up with one arm

"Umm im thinking eggs and toast sound great and they are the easiest to make for you" I whispered in his ear

"Don't whisper like that, its 11 in the morning" I giggled seeing his reaction

"Why not" I asked

"Because im not trying to lose control right now"

"Ahh id kill to see you lose control" I teased and he laughed throwing his head back

"I love you nandini"

"I love you more"

"Oh and trust me, if I lose control you aren't walking tom which is not a good thing" he said putting me on the counter

"Maybe I want that"

"Ya" he asked leaning on me as I leaned on the cupboard

"Yes" it was a whisper but I know he heard it because he had a smirk on his face

"So eggs" he said pulling away making me pout

"Should I make it" I asked and he shook his head

"I need you to rest"

"I am resting" I said folding my legs up

"You are gonna eat and then sleep okay" he said

"Yes sir" I said and he smiled

"Manik I have umm something I wanna ask you"

"Umm hmm what is it" he asked

"How do you feel about kids" I asked and a smile adored his lips

"I love kids, you know this babe"

"I mean our kids"

"I want a boy and a girl"

"No thats not what im asking"

"Then" he looked confused

"I mean how would you feel if I got pregnant before we got married, do you think thats a bad thing" I asked

"No Jaan, id be happy. It doesn't matter if we are engaged, married, dating, anything. If we were to get pregnant I would want the baby, its a symbol of our love nandini"

"What if I say im pregnant right now" I challenged

"Then I would say lets get some ice cream to celebrate and tell Navya and caber" he said pecking my lips making me smile

"So you wanna make a baby" I said and he laughed

There is something about his laughs that makes my heart flutter, he gives me hope. I love him beyond anything, he is so simple yet chaotic which is totally the opposite of me. I am psychotic haha and he is my imperfectly perfect match.

"You phone babe" he said making me come out of my dream land

"Hello" I said picking it up

"Hi maam, its ashna"

"Hi ashna what's up" I said being confused

"There is a man here wanting to see you, he says its urgent but won't give me his name"

"Umm okay make an appointment for 1" I said looking at the clock on the oven

"Sounds good ma'am, sorry for disturbing you"

"Its all good" I said and she cut the call

"Whats going on" he asked

"There is a client wanting to see me and said its urgent so I have to go in about 30 minutes" I said

"Babe you need sleep" he said

"I know, it's okay I will sleep early tonight"

'This isn't right nandini"

"I know I know, im sorry but you know I need to talk to clients in case or emergencies"

"Why can't ashna do it"

"Becasue he specifically asked to see me"

"Fine, im coming with you" he said and I nodded

We had breakfast aka brunch and got ready. I grabbed my purse and the files I was working on last night taking them downstairs to manik.

"Manik these files, you should check them in case I messed up" I said handing it to him on the couch

"Im sure you did great but ill double check them while you are meeting with the client" I nodded

We drove to the office and kissing Manik's cheek I walked to my cabin while he went up to his cabin and asked me to meet him after. I walked inside my cabin and a few minutes after ashna came in

"Good afternoon ashna"

"Good afternoon ma'am"

"Call me nandini, I have told you many times"

"Okay nandini, so can I send him in" she asked and I nodded

"Did he provide any briefs or anything on what this meeting is for?" I asked

"No, he just keeps repeating he wants to see you"

"Weird, okay send him in" I said and she nodded leaving

This was a little weird becasue clients usually provide a brief to ashna so I can prepare but I guess we are gonna wing it today. I grabbed my sketch pad and a pencil to jot down things he might want.

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