Chapter 34

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I picked up nandini and ran outside to see an ambulance there, I went inside and laid her down. Ashna took her cardigan off and handed it to me so I put it on nandini covering her a little bit.

I held her hand while the doctor check her as we were driving to the hospital.

"She is going to be okay" navya said but it wasn't processing in my head

"Manik I need you to calm down" arun said

"Can't you see, she is unconscious, how the fuck am I supposed to calm down" I yelled a little

"Breath manik" cabir said

"When will she wake up" I asked the doctor

"I can't tell you that because im not sure if she is given anything"

"Then do something" I yelled

"We can do blood tests once we get to the hospital but her breathing is fine, she will be okay"

"Can you drive faster then" I said

"Manik he is driving the fastest he can" ashna said

"Fuckkk" I mummbled

"She is gonna be okay" navya said but I was more of a question

"Nandini Jaan please just wake up" I whispered kissing her hand

"She is your fighter manik, just breath. She is going to be up soon and running around" cabir said caressing her hair

I was hearing everyone but nothing was making sense, I was feeling like my life was slipping away from my hands and it was the worst feeling ever. I felt dead inside, there was nothing, I felt nothing and that's what I am without her, nothing absolutely nothing.

"Manik let go of her hand" cabir said pulling me away and I watched them take her

Rushing inside behind her, I didn't know where I was walking, if I was even walking. Everything was blurred, everything was black and white because the person who gives my life colour was suffering. I fucked up again, I couldn't protect her again.

"Manik" cabir pulled on my arm making me look at him

"She lied cabir, she said she would never leave me" I said chuckling

"She will never leave you Manik, you know she can't" he said

"Wake her up cabir, please" I cried falling on my knees

"Manik you can't, get up manik" he said pulling me up

"I can't do this, I need her please just wake her up. Please Navya she listens to you pease wake her up, ashna she likes you right tell her na please just tell her, cabir she loves you tell her to wake, Arun please you know she shares everything with you please wake her up" I cried grabbing them

"She will manik, just be patient" cabir said

"I CAN'T" I screamed

"Breath" navya said hugging me while I cried in her arms

"Navya she"

"Manik she is okay, just think of it as umm she is sleeping for a while then she will wake up and trouble you. And you know she needs you as soon as she wakes up right?" She asked and I nodded

"She will wake up soon na" I asked and she nodded

"Before you even know it but I need you to calm down okay" she said and I nodded again

It felt like forever when the doctor came out making em jump up and run to him

"How is she"

"Who are you" he asked


"She is fine, just unconscious. She didn't have any other injections of anything"

"Why did she faint" I asked

"She has a fractured ankle, and it seems like she had repeated ice cold baths which caused her body to not understand or take the pain so she fainted"

"When will she wake up" I asked

"Not too sure, it can take an hour or a few days'

"The fuck do you mean a few days" I yelled

"Manik leave him" Arun said pulling me

"Breath manik" Navya said caressing my arm

"Doctor can we see her" cabir asked

"Yes I had her shifted to a private room" the doctor said

He walked to me and put his arm on my shoulder caressing it, I know he was trying to comfort me but my comfort was Nandini.

"I know how you are feeling young man but just try to breath and calm down, she will be okay" he said and I tried giving him a smile remembering Nandini's words of being nice to everyone but I failed. I ended up crying like a child in Navya's arm just thinking about her not waking up

"Come on lets go see her" Navya said and I got up walking lifelessly towards the room

As soon as I entered the room, there she was hooked up to all the wires and ivs breaking my heart. She looked so dull, I hated seeing her like this. I couldn't help but tear up again seeing her laying there with bruises and marks all over her

"I couldn't protect her" I mumbled

"Thats not true at all, it was very unfortunate but don't blame yourself" ashna said

I sat down beside her holding her hand, caressing it. I know she loves when I caress and kiss her hands, maybe she will wake up feeling my touches, but I was wrong. It was 3 in the morning and there was nothing, she hasn't moved but yet I keep looking at the heart monitor to see her breathing.

"Manik you have to eat" cabir said for the 10th time

"No" I replied

"You cannot sit here without food and water" he said and I couldn't reply, I didnt want to

"Manik come on open up" Navya said sitting in front of me

"Navya im not hungry" I said

"Im not gonna hear it manik, when she wakes up you have to take care of her and you cannot do that if you are gonna be sick yourself" she said but I shook my head

"You want her to cry when she wakes up" she asked


"Then please eat" she said forwarding a bite to me

I opened my mouth and she fed me, my eyes didn't leave her face at all. She had no frowns and she looked peaceful but who knew what she went through. A few more hours went by and now it was 10 in the morning.

The doctor came and did rounds, he said she was better but he still didn't know when she would wake up. I had sent ashna and Arun home because there was no point of staying, they both said they would be back in the morning and here we are but Nandini still hasn't woken up

"I will be back" I said to them and they looked at me confused

"Where are you going" Navya asked

"Mandir" I said kissing nandini's head

I walked to the mandir in the hospital, I sat down on my knees and folded my hands.

"I know I have never asked you for anything, I have never talked to you but that girl means the world to me. I cannot live without her, she is my everything. In my whole life, I have gone through crap and you know this but I have never asked you to fix anything. Today im begging you, please just let her be okay please. I promise I will protect her and I promise to never let anything harm her again but please let her be okay. Take me if you want but not her. I need her, she brightens up everyones world, she is the bane of my existence. Please please ussai this rakhna" I whispered crying

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