Chapter 25

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I woke up hearing giggles and I knew it was Nandini so I kept my eyes closed to see what she does. She caressed my face slowly and stopped at my lips

"There is just something about you, I don't know what it is but it's something I have never seen in anyone. It's that you are attractive no I mean you are holly, I think my heart jumps a little every time you are near me. I love you a lot, but you know what so I was thinking about jumping on you to wake you up but umm maybe next time" she mumbled caressing over the mole I have above my lip

I knew she was getting bored because I was a sleep, so I was just gonna wake up but then i heard her again

"Ahh this phone stupid stupid thing" she said and I'm sure her battery was dead

"Where is your phone monkey" she asked me and then giggled

"Never mind you sleeping" she said pecking my cheeks

I could feel her moving around to find the phone and once she did she put her head beside my arm

"Interesting" she mummbled

"Hawwww what is this, you don't have any games ahh this is very rude" she said but then kissing my head

I turned a little so that my face was right beside her shoulder, she caressed my hair pecking my head a few times. She leaned down and pecked my lips and I couldn't help but deepen the kiss which shocked her becasue I felt her stiff for a second

"You are up" she asked pulling away

"I wasn't but if you kiss me like that of course ill be up" I said putting my head on her shoulder

"That's not nice"


"Because you heard me didn't you" I chuckled and she got her answer

"Manik thats not fair, it was my private time" she wined

"Okay I'm sorry I won't do it again okay" she bobbed her head like a child

there was an announcement that we will be landing in 15 minutes so we both got up and buckled our seatbelts. Once we landed, the four of us were walking to the car when nandini screamed scaring us

"Are you okay" I asked concern and she gave me a cute smile

"Manik see snow"

"Nandini seriously, you scared us" cabir semi yelled

"Sorry bhai" she mumbled looking down

"Cabir yar, it's okay darling" I kissed her head as we sat in the car

"Sorry I just got excited" she said putting her face in my shoulder

"I know Jaan, he is just sleepy so he is being cranky but you know that we get scared when you scream like that" I caressed her arm

"I understand" she mumbled

"Sorry doll, I'm just exhausted. I didn't sleep too well on the plane" cabir said

"It's okay bhai, ill be careful next time" she said with a smile

"Shut up you guys, nandini see snow" Navya said excitedly

"Bhabhi we can take pictures with snow and and ohhh you know that richa ohh she is so rude, she keeps telling me she saw snow in Canada or something and now I can show her pictures" nandini said and I couldn't help but laugh

"You are laughing at me" she asked

"No, no darling why would I" I said and she got back to her conversation with Navya

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