Chapter 6

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Cabir's pov

Navya told me she wanted to talk to I purposely fell a sleep before she could come in the room, and I have been doing that for about 5 days now, everyday I have been falling a sleep early so she doesnt talk to me about nandini.

It was Friday night today and I had some urgent powerpoint I needed to go over so I was studying the presentation I have made so far when navya came in and I knew it was gonna go down today.

"Oh you didnt ignore me today wow" she remarked sarcastically

"What are you talking about" I asked even though I knew

"Dont fucking test my patience cabir" she yelled

"Tone navya"

"To hell with it"

"What's wrong" I asked

"Cabir you are breaking her little by little, she puts on this big smile every morning and you wipe it off her face every morning. This fucking patten needs to stop"

"You know why I do it navya" I said putting my laptop away

"No I actually do not know, so care to enlighten me" she said

"If I don't protect her then who will navya"

"Protecting her and tearing her self confidence down every single second are two different things. You love her then why don't you show it"

"I do show it" I argued

"Really, when? Oh you mean when she presented in front of 30 people and asked how she did and you ignored her or when she says good mornig every day but you point out how late she is, or let me guess when she walks to the office and you clearly know that she did but you still yell at her. Are these the times you have shows it"

I chocked with emotions hearing everything because she is right, that I do these things I have been for the past 8 years ever since that incidence. I know if I don't I will lose her and it is not something I can live with

"Tell me cabir" she demanded

"I love her navya and you know that"

"I know which is exactly why im asking you what is it"

"We lost our mother when nandini was born, she passed away giving birth to nandini, our dad was a drunk as you know so he would blame her every single day, she grew up hearing his abuses and taunting her, telling her she is the reason for her death. When I turned 15 I ran away with nandini, I loved her like my child. She will always be my first child navya" I could feel tears running down my cheeks

"She will always be our first child cabir"

"I took care of her like a mother and a father, everything was good until she turned 16. I was working when umm I got a call from our neighbours at that point. They umm umm they said nandini came home with blood all over her arms. Navya I don't know how she managed to come back home but she did. You know when I reached home she said she made me cupcakes becasue she missed me. I asked her what happened and all she mentioned was a boy thats it"

Navya wiped my tears and kissed my cheek, I felt that pain again, I could see her in those pigtails and pyjamas with bruises and cuts all over her arms.

"I felt like I couldn't protect her, I failed to keep her safe so I distanced myself from her, I don't deserve it navya, she is perfect for this imperfect world. She Is so innocent navya, she looks at the world with a differnt perspective, she tries finding good in everything no matter what" I said and she smiled

"What you are doing is not helping her cabir, she has already had a troubled childhood, her teenage years along with yours weren't amazing but she never complained cabir. She tries harder every day just so she can make you smile. You yell at her for being late but thats only because you see ourself In her"

"How do you know" I asked and she smiled

"I just know, cabir don't push her away, please I beg you. She needs you, she needs her brother cabir, she craves your love just please"

"I want to show her that I love her but navya I couldn't protect her"

"You tried your best and she knows that, please just talk to her" she cried

If there wee two women in this world whose tears I can't stand it is navya and nandini. I only have Manik, navya and nandini in my life and she is right I need to talk to her

"Don't cry, you know I can't watch you and nandini cry" I siad wiping her tears

"Yet you became the reason she cried" she said and I knew she was right

"Is she up" I asked and navya nodded

"Will you come with me" I asked and she got up holding my hand

We walked to nandini's room, I was gonna knock but her door was half way open so I just peaked in. She was cuddling the little teddy bear she has and was munching on some chocolate.

"Nandini" I called

She looked up and put the chocolate down along with the teddy bear

"Im sorry I was just, I promise ill brush" she said and my heart broke

"No its okay, can I talk to you" I asked and she nodded

"Im so sorry doll" her eyes watered

"No please don't cry I am really sorry that I put you through so much in these years, I just umm I thought I didnt deserve you because I couldn't protect you" I finally confessed and she cried looking at me

"Can I hug you" she asked and I nodded opening my arms

She fell in my arms crying, I was hugging her after 8 years and she felt so tiny in my arms. I wiped my eyes hugging her back.

"It will be okay, im sorry it won't happen again I promise" I said and she cried louder

"You protected me with everything you could, I I never thought you didnt bhai. I am alive becasue of you" she mummbled crying

"Im sorry baby, please don't cry" I said wiping her tears and she sniffled

"You will be my cabir bhai again" she asked and I nodded

"Do you forgive me" I asked

"I never had a grudge or was upset bhai so forgiving is not in the picture but yes I will try being less childish and careless" she said

"No doll, you can be yourself, I love when you run around like a child, it was just my conscious speaking im so sorry for everything I did"

"Its okay bhai, I love you"

"I love you too Choti"

"Jeez you two are Dra ma tic" navya said sitting beside nandini

"Bhabhi" nnaidni said hugging her

"Bhabhi ki bachi itni rat ko chocolate kaha sai Ayi"

"Secret" she giggled making me smile

"Sleep doll, its late" I said and she nodded

She slipped down in her sheets and I patted her hair like I used to. She put her head on navya's lap and held my hand. She closed her eyes and within minutes she was a sleep.

"Happy" navya asked

"More than I have been in forever" I said and she smiled

"Just sleep here tonight" she said and I nodded

We both slipped down in the blankets and holding nandini we both fell a sleep.

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