Chapter 10

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Nandini's pov

Manik left, bhai pushed him out and I couldn't do anything. I was crying on the couch, I needed manik.

"Bhai please let me talk to him please" I cried and he looked angry

"You are never seeing him again" he siad and my heart dropped

"No, I cannot live without him bhai, I can't"

"Nandini shh, breath just breath" bhabhi said caressing my back

"No no bhabhi please I"

"Shh its okay, he is okay, just give him a little bit. We can see him in the morning okay but I need you to breath baby just breath" she said


He grabbed my arm and pulled me up to my room with him, as soon as we reached my room he pushed me on my bed gently and my first instinct was to run to the window

I moved my curtains and saw him sitting there with a bleeding lip and his jaw was swollen. I couldn't stop my tears seeing him like that. He looked up at me as soon as I started crying again and gave me a smile.

I was about to say something when bhai pulled me back and shut the curtains. I have never seen him this angry but he only thing running through my mind was manik.

"You have disappointed me nandini, I feel ashamed to call you my sister. I left you alone with him thinking he is a friend and this is what you do end up doing" he said

"Im sorry bhai, but I didnt mean for it to happen, I just"

"You just what huh, you just fucked my best friend behind my fucking back, thats what you did" he yelled

"CABIR WATCH YOUR WORDS" bhabhi yelled at him

"Dont even get involved navya"

"I will because you are being unreasonablly stupid, I understand they messed up by not telling you but the words you just used are not something I expected from you" she said pulling me in for a hug

"I dont give a shit, she is not seeing him ever" he said

"I will"

"You will not"

"I will, he is my boyfriend and I can't go without him so I will see him" I said

"Fine, the second you see him, you won't ever see me" he spoke and left the room

I froze hearing his words, I never thought I would have to choose between the two people I love the most in my life but here we are

"Baby its okay, he is just angry right now, I need you to calm down. We cannot have you fall sick, you need to fight with him and get manik back right" I nodded hearing her

"Lets get you some dinner and then we will sleep" she said and I shook my head

She brought me food but I refused to eat, the only thing in my mind was I have to pick between my brother who has taken care of me ever since I was born and my boyfriend who would burn this world down for me.

"Nandini you cannot do this" bhabhi siad

"Im okay, can I sleep" I asked her and she nodded

I closed my eyes but sleep was far away so I just pretended im a sleep. Tonight was not what I had expected at all.

Its been two weeks, 3 days, 11 hours and 45 minutes since that night. I haven't left my room since then. My blinds were shut since that moment, no matter how much I wanted to see him, I needed to see if he was okay but I remembered Bhai's words.

I haven't even been to the office, my phone was taken by bhai, but every day bhabhi would come and tell me how manik is and he isnt well either which I already knew.

"Nandini" I looked up to see bhabhi

"Hi" I mummbled and she came in with a food tray as usual

"You have to eat nandini"

"I can't" I said

"Yes you can" she said

"I will throw up bhabhi please" I spoke and she shook her head

"You won't please just at least try, you look like stick and bones nandini, you haven't had any food from the past 3 weeks"

"3 weeks, 3 days 11 hours, and 45 days to be exact" I said and she gave me a sad smile

"How is he" I asked

"He looks the same, doesn't talk much, he isnt the same manik he was 3 weeks ago but can you blame him"

"Did he eat" I asked

'He had lunch, i forced him" she said and I nodded

"Come on open up" she said and tears flew from my eyes remembering thats how he used to feed me

I opened my mouth and as soon as I swallowed the food, I ran to the bathroom to throw up becasuse it was just too much. Bhabhi grabbed my hair back and once I was done she wiped my mouth and helped me back to bed

"What is this nandini? What is wrong with you, you haven't had a single bite of food, you will get sick do you think manik would like that" she asked and I shook my head

"I miss him bhabhi, I need him. I can't do this anymore, I haven't seen him in 3 weeks bhabhi im losing my mind, I feel like I I can't live anymore. I tried everything bhabhi every single thing, and I honestly don't think I can live anymore. I love bhai but I love manik too, he was there when I was at my lowest low and the fact that I haven't seen him in so long hurts me" I cried in her arms

"It's okay just breath" she said seeing I wasn't breathing well

"I can't I I need him bhabhi just I can't" I knew I was about to get a panic attack, the 7th the one in these past few weeks

"Breath nandini" I could feel her patting my back but it just wasn't working today

"I I bhabhi I can't breath"

"Shh breath nandini, deep breath in" I saw tears in her eyes seeing me

"Im I im so sorry" I slurred the words trying to breath but I couldn't

"M ma manik, I ne need him" I said in between

"CABIRRRR, CABIRRR" I could hear her yelling for bhai

within minutes I saw bhai running in, he pulled me in his arms but nothing, nothing was working today.

"Breath nandini, one breath at a time" he said but it just wasn't

I felt my chest tightening, it was the worst feeling ever, I grabbed onto my chest folding into myself.

"CABIR GET HIM NOWWW" I heard bhabhi yelling

I felt Bhai's arms move away from me and I fell on the bed in a fetus position trying to catch my breath, everything was becoming faint.

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