Chapter 15

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Manik's pov

The sun was shining bright, I hadn't gotten a single second of sleeping thinking she might need me and I might be sleeping. I also didnt want cabir thinking I was taking advantage of her so I stayed up. Seeing that it was 8 in the morning, I slightly shifted and moved away from her. I placed softy beside her so she is holding something.

I grabbed my t shirt from the previous night and put it on. I kissed her forehead and then her lips slightly, drawing the curtains I walked downstairs where cabir and Navya were already sitting.

"Morning" I mumbled

"Why are you up so early" cabir asked

"Didn't sleep" I replied

"Why not" he asked

"Wanted to make sure she doesn't wake up at night and you don't get any more reasons to hate me" I knew it was stupid but I was hurt

"I don't hate you Manik" he whispered looking down

"Sorry, I know it was a low blow" I whispered

"Shut up both of you, its 8 am, don't y'all take a break" Navya huffed bringing breakfast

"Im gonna go home" I said

"Wait why" cabir asked before Navya could question anything, she did smirk seeing cabir questioning me

"Just to shower, ill be back before she wakes up" I said and he nodded

I walked home, I was exhausted, my eyes were droopy but I knew I couldn't sleep yet, I need to make sure she eats breakfast and takes a good nap. She needs a couple days to recover, I might even take her to a park or something since she loves them.

I showered and grabbed my laptop talking it downstairs with me. The first thing I did was empty out all the alcohol down the drain, she hates when I drink but when I didn't have her, that was the only thing I could think of to keep me sane. I have her now and I don't need this alcohol so I threw It all out.

Setting the bottles beside the sink after rinsing them, I walked outside the house with my laptop and in Nandini's house after locking mine.

I walk in to see cabir and Navya talking while eating. I put my laptop down on the table and walk to cabir.

"Can I go up to see her, its 9 I wanna have her up and fed before 11 because I need her to lay down again for a nap" I explained not wanting to give him reasons

"You don't need explain or ask for my permission, she is yours" he said

"Thank you" I mummbled about to walk upstairs but he grabbed my arm

"Can we please just talk about this" he asked

"Ya, just let me have her down for a nap" I said and he nodded

I walked upstairs to her room to see her still in the same position before I left. I opened her curtains revealing my room making me smile. I sat down beside her and she grabbed my t shirt immediately, she feels my touches and knows my presence.

"Wakes wakey princess" I caressed her hair

She stirred in her sleep a little but didnt wake up, she was deprived of sleep for this long and even though I wanted her to get all the sleep she needed, I also knew she would get a headache if she doesn't wake up

"Good morning my love" I whispered in her ear

She smiled making me smile, I leaned down and pecked her lips, when I pulled away she pouted so I knew she was up.

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