Chapter 3

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Manik's pov

"Nandini Jaan go home, you need to nap too, your eyes are still a little puffy from crying" I said to her holding her waist

"But I wanna stay, I miss you mani" she siad putting her head in my neck

"I know, just a few more days and we will be tell cabir okay" I said caressing her hair

"But what if he doesnt like us"

"Why wouldn't he" he asked

"You are his best friend Manik and im his sister, won't he feel betrayed" she asked

"He might but he loves us both equally so he might be upset for an hour but he will be okay" I said and she nodded in my neck

I rested my back on the couch and pushed her hips into me a bit making her relax on me. I pecked her head a few times while rocking her a little in my arms. I could feel her thinking something but I didnt wanna intrude her. There was a knock on the door when Nandini jumped a little in my arms making her fall on the floor.

"Who is it" I asked helping her

"It's navya and I know she is in there" she said coming in

She smirked looking at us, I helped Nandini up and I noticed how flustered she looked making me smile a little.

"So still wanna tell me he doesnt look at you like that" she teased and nandini ran to navya

"Im sorry bhabhi, I really am, I didnt wanna hide anything I just umm" her eyes watered

"Relax baby, I am not upset at all, in fact I think Manik is the perfect choice" she said kissing nandini's head

"Really" she said pouting

"Yes really, but I would need you both to tell cabir as soon as you can, we don't want him finding out from somewhere else" she said

"He won't get gussa na" she asked navya

"He might but it's okay I will make him understand" she said and nandini nodded putting her head on on Navya's shoulder making me smile

"Babe grab your bag" I said and she nodded

I walked to navya and stood right in front of her smiling which she gladly returned

"Take her home, and make her eat something, ill be over later" I said and she grinned

"I know how to take care of my best friend and sister" she said

"I already know that but as her boyfriend im telling you to make sure her mind doesn't go to cabir. She already cried today and im not having her cry again"

"She cried" navya asked

"Ya, this morning she walked here and was balling her eyes out" I Sia danders navya sighed

"What do I do Manik, he doesnt want to understand he keeps behaving like this with her and it breaks my heart every time"

"Ill talk to him, just take care of her until I get there okay"

"Ya" she said and I turned back to see nandini

She had her nose pressed against the little aquarium I had in my office, I knew she was talking to the turtle and fish. She had her bag on her shoulder and she was tapping her fingers against the glass

"Jaan come on time to go home" I said and she turned to me pouting but then turned her head back and kissed the glass walking to me

"You will come tonight na" she asked leaning on my arm

"Of course Jaan, ill be there" I said kissing her forehead

"Okay, don't work too hard ill see you later, I love you" she said

"I love you more, stay safe and don't run while walking, hold navya's hand okay" she nodded and held navya's hand

"Call me if you need anything okay darling" she nodded and I looked at navya

"Call if she needs me" I said to her and she nodded too

They both walked outside my cabin, while I sat down and texted cabir to come see me in my cabin. I dont know why he is so rude and distant to her, she is such a sweetheart, she tries her best to please him but he never notices anything well he does but he pretends like he doesnt for some reason

About 20 minutes later I got a text from nandini, ' I just got home, im gonna make cupcakes now' her text said

'Sounds good baby, just be careful and stay with navya' I replied and she sent a 'thank you'

My cabin door opened and cabir came in mirroring my look making me chuckle a little. Sometimes I feel like him and I have the same freaking faces and personality.

"Hey dude" he said sitting down

"Hi, I gotta talk to you about something" I said and he nodded asking me to proceed

"Why are you so rude to nandini" I asked

"Why do you care"

"Becasue I do, now answer my question"

"Manik its none of your business"

"Yes it is my business so what is the reason behind this stupid rudeness"

"Who cares Manik, she isn't a child anymore she cannot be careless like this" he said

"I care"

"You shouldn't"

"Well I do and I always will so get to the point"

"Manik she is so pure and innocent, I'm afraid of letting her out in the real world"

"She may see only the good in people but cabir the way you are protecting her isn't right, you are bluntly fucking rude to her, it hurts her" I said and he made suspicious eyes

"If hurting her means I can keep her safe then so be it"

"Cabir what is her fault"

"I dont wanna get into it" he siad and I sighed

"How long is this gonna go on for" I asked

"What do you mean" he asked

"I have been your best friend cabir since we were 5 and since uncle left you have been so fucking rude to her, you hurt her every single day, she looks up to you cabir, she wants her brother's love, and you want to show her how much you love then why can't you"

"Because I fucking can't now can we just not talk about this"


"Manik there are some things that only hurt whenever they are brought up and nandini and I's relationship is that" he said

I didnt question anything further because only navya can help me at this point, the past 8 years I have seen nandini cry every day every single day I have to see her hurt. Hoesntly I cannot watch her like that anymore, she has told me not to talk to cabir ever since we started dating but I can't watch this anymore

"Lets go home" he said and I nodded

Wrapping up the things I had, I quickly headed out with cabir to his house, I live right beside them but I barely get to see nandini when she home becasue cabir is always home. Not gonna lie I have snuck in a few times but she gets nervous so I try not doing it as often as I would like to

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