Chapter 4

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We got home and as soon as we entered, I smelled cupcakes making me smile, I looked at cabir to see him smiling as well. See he cares but he doesnt tell her that and my baby she is really sweet and innocent to even see it.

"Navya" he yelled

"What" she said

"Can I have some water" he Sia d

"Ya go help yourself" she said making em smirk a little

"Why are you being rude" he asked

"Glad you know how it feels, imagine feeling it everyday  for 8 fucking years" she yelled back

I could see cabir was taken back a little but he needs to know becasue that girl has suffered every single day becasue of whatever this is

Nandini came out with water in a tray and some snacks, I smiled seeing how she was trying not to drop anything, she looked so cute in her little pyjamas

"Bhai pani" she siad and he took it from her sitting down

"Pani" she said as she came to me

"Thanks" I mumbled taking it


"What" he replied and I could feel my hands forming a fist

"I umm I made some cupcakes can I bring you some" she asked nervously playing with her hands

"Ya" he replied and she smiled so wide making me smile

She ran to the kitchen and ran back with a tray full of cupcakes, she placed it down on the table and was practically jumping.

"This is chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, cookies and cream and I also made some red velvet and chocolate chip, you like them na" she said showing us the different ones she made

"Ya I like them" he replied and a wide smile took place on her face

Cabir took one and started eating it and Nandini was biting her nails making me smile

"Babe no" I mouthed to her and she took her nails out of her mouth pouting

"Bhai" he hmmed hearing her

"How are they" she asked with hopeful eyes

"Good" he said and got up

"Yay" she chirped jumping around

"Im gonna go get freshen up" he said walking upstairs to his room

"Maniiii ehhhh yayyayya you saw na, he had some and he said it was good" she jumped in my arms seeing cabir out of our site

"They are yummy babe, see I told you he doesnt hate you" she nodded in my neck

"Hello, love birds im here too" navya said

"Bhabhi you saw na" she asked

"Yes I did, im so proud of you baby" she said kissing her head too

"Did you eat" I asked and she shook her head

"Jaan I clearly told you to eat"

"I was making cupcakes" she said in a baby voice

"Sit, lets make get you something to eat" I said and she shook her head again

"I wanna eat with bhai" she siad and I sighed

"But you haven't even had lunch"

"Whattt she didnt have lunch either" navya said

"What do you mean either" I asked

"She didnt have breakfast either"

"Nandini this is not acceptable, you know your sugar drops very quickly and this carelessness is not nice" I said and she pouted

"Im sorry" she said

"Navya im hungry" we heard cabir making me move away from her

"Now I will eat" she said

Navya and her set the table while my concentration was on her the whole time, she was chirping like a bird to navya about how cabir loved the cupcake. We all sat down and everyone started eating but nanidni was playing with her food

"quit playing with your food like a child" cabir said

"Im not hungry" she said and I frowned

"Eat" he ordered and she started eating which was fucked up

I hated seeing her like this, I hate seeing her so helpless and sad. Maybe I should just tell cabir that her and I are dating, that'll give me the right to at least stand up for her. I was about to just say it when navya shook her head catching my anger I guess

We were watching a movie after dinner when I felt Nandini's head on my shoulder. I ws about to caress her face but then stopped seeing navya's expressions.

"Manik can you carry nandini upstairs to her bed" navya said

"Ya" I replied

"Wake her up, she will go by herself" cabir said

"No she won't, Manik upstairs" she said and I nodded

I picked her up and she snuggled closer to my chest making me smile. She rubbed her cheeks on my shirt making me chuckle. I put her on the bed and covered her up with blankets, I was about to leave but she was holding my hand

"Mani" she whispered

"Hi Jaan" I said and she grabbed my shirt

Sighing I got up and sat beside her resting my back. She put her head on my chest and grabbed onto my shirt with her tiny hands. I gently caressed her hair as she fell back to sleep.

"Goodnight Jaan, I love you so much" I whispered to her when I knew she was in deep sleep

I kissed her forehead and then pecked her lips lightly forming a smile on her face making me smile seeing she recognizes my touches even in her sleep. I untangled myself from her and kept the teddy bear I got for her a while ago beside her

She cuddled the teddy as soon as her hands found it. I kissed her head and covered her with blankets, turning the ac up a little so she doesnt get sick. Closing her lights and turning on the night light I closed her door half way and walked downstairs

"Is she a sleep" navya asked

"Ya" I replied

"Okay so I am gonna go talk to cabir right now, go home rest, ill take care of her" she siad and I nodded

Hugging her I walked home, I got ready for bed and closed my eyes falling into a slumber that consisted of only nandini's thoughts.

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