Chapter 11

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Manik's pov

I was grabbing myself some alcohol so I could get some sleep, this is all my life has been from the past 3 weeks ever since that night. I tried seeing her ever single day but cabir has bodyguards and security everywhere so there was no way I could see her

She didnt come to office either but navya would give me updates and make me eat lunch every single day, that was the only meal I actually eat other than that I was living on alcohol. Everyday I stood at the window hoping I see her, just one look at her but I didn't. Her curtains were pulled ever single day.

Navya told me she has not left from her room ever since, I don't even know what she is going through, I dont know what cabir said to her and I wish I could just talk to him but every time he sees me he turns around the other way. That night he came over and he beat the shit out of me to the point where I didnt go to the office for a few days so people don't ask what fight I got into

I was lost in my thoughts when there was banging on the door, I didnt care so I just let them bang until it wouldn't stop

"Manik open the fucking door" I heard cabir and the first thing in my mind was Nandini so I ran to the door and opened it

"Nandini, she she can't breath" he siad and I ran to their house

I ran upstairs to her room and navya was in tears, nandini was in a fetus position holding onto her chest, she had definitely lost a lot of weight.

"Navya grab me an ice pack" I said and she ran downstairs

I picked her up and sat down with her in my arms, she felt warm and I could tell she hasn't been eating at all.

"Jaan it's okay, breath" I said moving her hand from her chest

"I I can't breath ma Manik" she slurred her words

"Yes you can, just look at me baby, look in my eyes" I said and she tried lifting her head up but failed to I put my hand under her chin making her look at me

As soon as her eyes met mine, more tears fell from her eyes, I knew she suffered just as much as me maybe even more.

"Ma manik" she whispered

"Han baby manik, now breath for me" I said and she was trying but it wasn't working

"One chocolate, two chocolate, say it with me" I said


"Just like that, two"

"Two" she whispered holding my hoodie

"Three" I caressed her face putting her hair behind her ear

"Three, four, five" she spoke

"Yes, count to 10 for me" I said and she shook her head crying

"Jaan please, for me" I said wiping her tears

"Six, seven" she counted then stopped looking at me

"Yes and how many more chocolates did I get for my baby last month" I asked kissing her forehead

"Eight, nine, ten" she said

"Now take a deep breath in" I said placing my hand on her stomach, her grip tightened on my shirt

"Deep breath out" she did as she was told

"5 more Jaan please" I siad and she slowly started doing it, her eyes were locked with mine the whole time

"Here" Navya said handing me the ice pack

I placed the ice pack on my hand and then I placed my hand on her temple, making her release a breath. After the ice pack had warmed up. A tad I placed it at the nape of her neck

She closed her eyes and put her face in my neck, her hands gripped my shirt around my neckline.

"When was the last time she ate" I asked

"Three weeks ago" Navya answered

"What the fuck do you mean three weeks"

"I keep feeding her but she throws up every time, she had liquids like lemonde and stuff but whole foods she hasn't been able to keep it down. I tried but she just threw it up every time" she said helplessly

"Can you do me a favour" I asked and she nodded

"Can you make some chicken noodle soup and put her goldfish crackers on the side and a pink lemonade, should be int he fridge on the left side if she didn't finish it all" I said and she smiled

"Ya I can do that, anything else" she asked

"Would you also grab me my sweatshirt" I asked and she nodded walking away

"Where are you going" I asked

"To your house to grab it" she said

"No, umm open her closet, move her hangers" I said

"There is nothing here" she said

"Push the little dot" I siad and she did which opened a drawer

"Grab the black one and close it please" I said and she did

"She is a secretive person" Navya said smiling

"You should see where she hides chocolates" I said chuckling

"Don't get me started, I found it in her brand new shoe ones" she said making me laugh

"Ill be back with her food" she said and I nodded mumbling a thank you

Once she left, I covered Nandini with her blankets as she cuddled closer in my neck, she was in that stage where she was sleeping but it wasn't deep yet.

For the first time in the last hour I noticed cabin standing there, his face was bright red, there were tears on his face and I didnt know what to say to comfort him

"Umm once she is okay ill leave" I said

"We can talk later, just get her to be normal" he said and I could hear the lump in his throat

"She will be fine, don't worry, she just needs sleep and she will be chirpy again by tom" I said and he sat down beside me

He caressed her hair as she cuddled closer to me, he smiled a little seeing her like that which made me smile

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