✗ intro ✗

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⚊ synopsis

Thrown into the chaos of a new country, Jillian Klein Cruz grapples with the unfamiliarity of Seoul, feeling lost amidst the sea of faces and foreign surroundings.

Amidst her confusion and fear, a glimmer of hope emerges in the form of a mysterious figure known only as "SD" - Stranger Danger. With each cryptic email, he guides her through the labyrinth of her new school, offering advice on navigating its treacherous waters.

As Jillian forms tentative connections, one name stands out among the rest - Park Minji. With SD's guidance, Jillian finds herself drawn to Park Minji, their budding friendship offering a lifeline in the midst of uncertainty.

But as Jillian grows increasingly reliant on SD, a nagging curiosity tugs at her, urging her to uncover the identity of her enigmatic helper. Is the allure of the unknown worth the risk of unraveling the very foundation of trust she's built with SD?

⚊ short peak

Me: Hoy!

SD: What's up?

Me: Big news!

SD: Lay it on me!

Me: I'M GOING HOME. Just for the weekend, but still..😭

SD: That's great! But...

Me: But what?

SD: You're coming back, right?

Me: Sana hindi na..😁

SD: I can only decipher that creepy smiling emoji!

Me: I mean, I wish I didn't have to come back here.

SD: What about me? 🥺 You'll leave me here all alone in our chat world.

Me: It's just for three days, what are you saying? It's not like I'm leaving forever!

SD: But I like seeing you every day.

Me: You see me.. EVERY DAY?!

SD: In school, I mean.

[ SD is now offline ]

I stared at my phone before rubbing my cat Mingming's stomach as she lay contentedly on my lap.

Since SD always leaves me hanging, I remember my meeting with Jungwon for our science project.

I should let him know I'm not available this weekend.

Me: Afternoon, Pres. Need to reschedule our meeting since I won't be here for the weekend. Will that be alright?

Jungwon: No worries. But bring back some treats. Pasalubong, right?

Me: Maybe if you brush up on your Tagalog dictionary, I'll consider it..

Jungwon: Ha! Excited to go?

Me: I am. So, so much!

Jungwon: Good. Now eat your lunch and stop bothering me.

Me: Thanks. When can we meet up for the assignment?

Jungwon: Next Monday after school?

Me: Sure. You'll probably have it done by then before I can even offer any help.

Jungwon: You just need to show up, alright?

Me: Okay 🙂

Why would the Class President of my section want to see me after school? Minji has to be wrong about the teasing.

Jungwon isn't into me. He's just being nice to a new student, as entrusted to him by the Principal. Except I know he waited for me in our last meeting even though I was so late.

He didn't even get annoyed as I expected. He even disliked how much I apologized.

Who's lying to herself right now? Jillian Klein Cruz, that's who.

⚊ main characters

Yang Jungwon "Well, well, well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions"

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Yang Jungwon "Well, well, well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions"

Yang Jungwon "Well, well, well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions"

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Jillian Klein Cruz "Don't come to my house unannounced. I will hide from you under my bed"

⚊ book covers

⚊ book covers

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author's note : this is the fourth book in my enha highschool series!

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author's note : this is the fourth book in my enha highschool series!

the whole concept is humor and there will be lots and lots of pinoy references or from the filipinos since jk is one.

our favorite girl park minji will still be a major character here along the others and her friends.

leave the book if you'll hate how i would put some of my mother tounge language here. i'm a filo, why not?

with that being said, let's start the book and welcome to another fantasy!

It All Started With A Creepy Mail ⚊ Yang Jungwon [#4] Where stories live. Discover now