✗ fifteen ✗

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chapter fifteen

As we walk the track at the gym, Rei and I share a laugh over Minji's relentless attempts to outshine her boyfriend in every activity.

"SD is right," I chuckle to myself, "she's a natural comedian."

Rei nods in agreement, her eyes fixed on Dongpyo at the bleachers, who's passionately expressing his distaste for the music blaring from a classmate's speaker.

"I sometimes wonder if Minji loves or hates Ni-ki. She's always competing with him," Rei muses.

Watching Chenle alternately lounging on the bleachers and egging Minji on in her schemes, I can't help but ask, "Why do I get the feeling that Chenle is closest to Minji?"

Rei's laughter rings out melodiously. "Oh, they've been best friends since before I even knew them."

I can't help but probe further, "Is Ni-ki bothered by how touchy Chenle can be with her?"

Rei shakes her head, her expression serene. "Not at all. It's all platonic between them. Chenle used to have a crush on her, though. At least, that's what Dongpyo says."

I smile at Rei, feeling a pang of guilt for prying into their dynamics. "I guess my question was a bit out of place. This environment is so different from where I came from, and so are the people."

"You'll adjust," Rei reassures me. "I was a transfer student from Japan too."

I can't help but think that Shaira, my friend from back home, would love Rei's openness and Minji's vivaciousness. She'd probably adore my online guide from this school too.

"Would you be shocked if I told you I have an online guide?" I tease, half-hoping Rei might give herself away as SD. But her face remains impassive, devoid of recognition.

"No idea what you're talking about," Rei replies with a playful grin.

I reach for my buzzing phone, realizing I've received a new email.

As Rei looks on with concern, I can't help but laugh at my own realization: SD must be one of them. He knows too much about our group for it to be anyone else. Guess I'll have to respond to his email now, even if Rei's here.

As we grow closer, I think about confiding in Rei about SD's mysterious identity. Maybe she could help me uncover the truth.

But then it hits me—what if Rei, Minji, and the others already have an inkling about who SD is? Maybe they're all in on it.

I can't help but laugh again at the thought. Typical me, always overthinking things

As Rei and I continue our stroll around the track, I can't shake off the thought of SD and the mystery surrounding him. "Hey, Rei, have you ever heard of this guy named SD?" I ask, trying to sound casual.

Rei furrows her brows, thinking for a moment before shaking her head. "Nope, doesn't ring a bell. Who is he?"

I hesitate, wondering if I should reveal too much. "Oh, just someone I've been corresponding with online. They seem to know a lot about our friend group."

Rei's curiosity piques. "Interesting. What do they talk to you about?"

I chuckle nervously, realizing I've stepped into murky territory. "Oh, you know, just random stuff. Nothing too important."

But Rei's not one to let things slide. "Are you sure about that? It sounds like they're pretty involved in your life."

I shrug, trying to play it off. "Eh, it's probably nothing. Just someone messing around."

It All Started With A Creepy Mail ⚊ Yang Jungwon [#4] Where stories live. Discover now