✗ four ✗

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⚊ chapter four

As the group whisked me through the school, my mind raced at warp speed.

Is this real? Do they actually like me? And what's next for me today with them?

With Minji and Sunhee clinging to me up front, it was clear they sensed my potential escape plan. Behind us, Chenle and Dongpyo delved into Rei's new love life, which, to my surprise, involved a same-sex relationship.

Rei's eyes flickered with uncertainty as she glanced at Dongpyo and Chenle. "Guys, I have something to tell you."

Dongpyo's brows furrowed in concern while Chenle's expression softened. "What's wrong, Rei?"

She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "I... I'm in a relationship. With a girl."

Dongpyo and Chenle exchanged a surprised glance before enveloping Rei in a supportive hug.

"We're here for you, Rei," Dongpyo said, squeezing her shoulder.

Chenle nodded, offering a reassuring smile. "You deserve to love whoever makes you happy, regardless of gender."

"Is it accepted here, or a secret?" I wondered, noting their hushed tones. Was this some covert operation? Like a gay spy mission?

As I marinated in my own dramatic musings, Rei's expression grew more emotional. Her eyes were glossy with unshed tears. Just when I thought things were about to get too intense for a lunchtime stroll, Minji swooped in, wrapping Rei in a bear hug.

"Listen, Rei," Minji declared, her voice filled with exaggerated solemnity. "No matter what part of the rainbow flag you are, I love you all the same. Even if you're that weird taupe color that no one knows what to do with."

Rei burst into laughter through her tears, the tension breaking like a bad soap opera climax. "Thanks, Minji," she sniffed, wiping her eyes. "That means a lot."

"Of course," Minji replied, now patting Rei's head like she was a beloved pet. "We're like Skittles - together, we make the rainbow complete."

I couldn't help but chuckle at Minji's antics. Leave it to her to lighten the mood with her goofy charm. I felt a little less like an extra in a teen drama and more like a part of their colorful crew.

Meanwhile, Chenle and Dongpyo exchanged a glance that said, "Yep, that's our Minji," before joining in the laughter. The heartfelt moment combined with Minji's quirky humor made me feel warm inside.

Maybe this group was exactly where I belonged.

As we continued our trek, I found myself more curious and excited about what was in store for the rest of the day. And if it involved more of Minji's rainbow wisdom, I was all in.

In the back, Jungwon, Sunoo, Ni-ki, and Kiara were embroiled in drama over Sunoo's admirers. Kiara's possessiveness over Sunoo reminded me of my own hypothetical scenario – if I ever waited long enough for someone to notice me.

As I observed the spectacle unfolding behind us, Kiara was in full-on protective mode, shooing away any girl who dared to even glance in Sunoo's direction. It was like watching a lioness guarding her prey, except Sunoo didn't seem to mind the attention, much to Kiara's dismay.

"Sunoo, can you believe these girls? They have the audacity to even look at you," Kiara exclaimed, her voice laced with a mixture of frustration and possessiveness.

Sunoo, with a bashful grin, replied, "Come on, Kiara, they're just admiring the view. No harm in that, right?"

Ni-ki, ever the instigator, piped in with a mischievous grin. "I don't blame them. I've been thinking about stealing you away from Kiara myself."

It All Started With A Creepy Mail ⚊ Yang Jungwon [#4] Where stories live. Discover now