✗ two ✗

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⚊ chapter two

Today's adventure in the thrilling life of Jillian Klein involved a daring plan: eating my homemade sandwich in the library.

However, my dreams were shattered by the sight of a stern "NO FOOD INSIDE" sign glaring at me from the door. It was a tragedy of epic proportions, especially considering how amazing the library was compared to the ones back in the Philippines. Vintage bookshelves, people!

I wasn't quite ready to dine with my new classmates just yet. Sure, some of them were nice, like Park Minji's crew, but I was still feeling overwhelmed. It would take some time before I could warm up to them. Hopefully, they wouldn't get tired of inviting me to join them, like they did earlier before heading off to lunch at the cafeteria.

As I tried to sneak past Park Minji and her lively bunch, Minji's bright smile intercepted my path like a friendly barricade.

"Hey, Jillian! Come on, join us for lunch!" she chirped, her enthusiasm infectious.

Before I could come up with a polite refusal, Rei jumped in, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Yeah, Jillian! We've got the best table in the cafeteria, and Dongpyo swears the tteokbokki there is out of this world!"

Dongpyo nodded vigorously, adding, "Seriously, it's like a taste explosion in your mouth!"

Meanwhile, Chenle, ever the gentle soul, reached out to touch my elbow lightly. "We'd love to have you with us, Jillian. You'll see, we're a fun bunch!"

Despite their persistence, I mustered up the courage to decline their offer, albeit with a smile. "Thank you all so much, but I think I'll pass for today. Maybe another time?"

To my relief, they took my refusal in stride, bidding me farewell with understanding smiles before heading off to lunch as I hoped.

Their goofiness and friendly antics certainly made the encounter memorable, even if I wasn't quite ready to dive into the lunchtime chaos just yet.

That's what happened earlier before I decided to go to the library instead. I mean, who wouldn't want to spend their lunch break being the life of the party with Minji's squad, right?

Oh wait, apparently me.

As I watched their animated invitation unfold before me, I couldn't help but see myself as the punchline of some cosmic joke. Here I was, the awkward new kid, turning down a chance to join the coolest clique in school. Classic Jillian move, really.

With every polite refusal I mustered, I could practically hear the universe chuckling at my expense.

"Oh look, there goes Jillian, the master of social awkwardness," it seemed to say, as I stood there, feeling like the punchline in my own sitcom.

But hey, who needs friends when you've got a library full of books to keep you company, right? Yeah, that's definitely what the cool kids do on their lunch breaks.

But hold onto your seats because there was a strange sighting in the library. There I was, minding my own business, when I spotted our Class President, Yang Jungwon, sitting nearby. And let me tell you, he was attracting more attention than a puppy in a room full of dog lovers.

Two girls were practically throwing themselves at him, but he was as uninterested as a sloth in a sprinting competition.

"Seriously, Jungwon, you're like the funniest guy ever!" one of the girls gushed, batting her eyelashes.

Jungwon merely nodded, his eyes glued to his laptop screen as he muttered, "Thanks."

The girls continued their attempts at flirting, while Jungwon remained stoic, his focus unwavering.

It All Started With A Creepy Mail ⚊ Yang Jungwon [#4] Where stories live. Discover now