✗ ten ✗

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chapter ten

For some crazy reason, I totally don't understand why I can't get her off my mind.

I slipped out before she woke up in the morning, her mama's invitation to join them for breakfast lingering in the air. But I insisted that my friend, Sunoo, was already waiting for me at school. For our duty in the newspaper club.

It's a complete lie, of course, just an excuse to escape for now.

Sunoo might still be in his dreamland, chasing Pokémon for his sister or nagging her in the morning to stop mentioning Heeseung all the time. Or worse, already dragging Kiara to any new food chain he could find for a discount.

Don't take it the wrong way, please.

I'm just overwhelmed by the thought of meeting Jillian's parents. It was so sudden, I ain't ready, and I didn't even have anything with me to offer them.

Perhaps I should ask Jay hyung for some kind of tips on how to impress parents.

I could never ask Sunghoon. That spaced-out Prince can't even function properly whenever his crush is in front of him.

How about Jake hyung? God, I can't even believe how much of a flirt he is with anyone, and yet he doesn't know how to deal with the girl I'm really aware that he's into.

As for Ni-ki, he got his girl by annoying the hell out of her, while Sunoo... well, let's just admit for the sake of Kiara's dignity, where it's apparent for me she doesn't have any ounce of it - she was the one to woo him.

Hell, the girl was ready to walk to the ends of heaven and hell just to be noticed by him back then.

I'd rather die than ask Heeseung hyung, who is also not good at courting. He just got Sunhee by hiding their relationship from her own brother.

He thought he's so slick, but I knew all along that it was that Sunny girl hiding behind Ni-ki's couch the night I heard Jay's hyung slipper across the floor.

I just rolled along with his trip, laughing with Sunoo hyung whenever the two of them thought they tricked him into being clueless about them.

"Jungwon, Jungwon!"

I snap out of my stupor, only to see Sunoo slapping me slightly with his cheese stick. We were in our first class together.

"What?" I roll my eyes as he points to the teacher entering the room with his damn cheese stick.

I hope he gets called out for bringing food in class.

"Okay, everyone!" Mr. Hong calls us to attention, going in front of the whiteboard once he hands out the quizlet, "We have a quiz today, and you'll have an hour to finish this. No extra time will be allowed. Ask me if there's anything you don't understand. Remember, no cheating, or else I'll drop you from my class. Okay, you may begin!"

This is why I hate him sometimes. He's the type of teacher not to give notice about these things.

We all flip the quizlet over and begin scribbling names and roll numbers. Even when I read the first question, I can't help but wonder where that girl could be. Did she wake up late or wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

Ten minutes into the quiz, I hear a chair scrape against the ground close by, and I quickly glance to the right in the hope that it would be who I think it is.

My heart lifts when I see Jillian taking her seat, being followed by Minji and Rei, who take their own seats behind her as Mr. Hong hands them the test papers.

Wait, did she finally believe my advice to befriend that crazy girl?

"Ms. Cruz, Park, and Naoi, you only have fifty minutes to complete this test for being late," the teacher tells them.

It All Started With A Creepy Mail ⚊ Yang Jungwon [#4] Where stories live. Discover now