✗ thirteen ✗

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⚊ chapter thirteen

Do you ever have those moments as an introvert? You know, when you're naturally a bit distant and need a lot of alone time to function properly, but your loved ones, like your parents, always take it personally?

It wasn't until the next morning that I overheard my parents talking about me in Tagalog, expressing their concerns that I was keeping to myself. They wished they were there in the house, like yesterday, to see Jungwon bringing me home.

But with them still finishing paperwork for the house, managing their jobs, and my mom leaving an hour ago to visit a lawyer, I hadn't told them about him yet.

When I peeked earlier to ask my dad what's for breakfast, I saw him taking a nap with Mingming, my cat, asleep beside him on their bed. So, I decided to make something only for myself and, of course, for the seven kittens following me around.

"You're all old enough to eat some solid food lately," I told the kittens, who were eagerly meowing for attention.

"We'll have some fried rice for myself, and of course, you can all have those chicken snacks I bought for you last time," I announced to them, feeling one of the litter trying to crawl up my pant leg.

Just as I was about to pick up the female kitten, I heard the doorbell ring. Assuming it was my mom returning, I quickly went to answer it, intending to ask her about leftover adobo from yesterday's dinner—a Filipino favorite.

Opening the door, I nearly shut it again in surprise at the sight of Jungwon standing there. He was dressed casually in black sweatpants and a gray hoodie, with a dimpled smile directed at my startled face. In his hands, he held a brown bag, emitting a delicious aroma of freshly baked bread.

"Just came by to give you and your family something," he said, his tone nonchalant.

"Magandang umaga din sa iyo," I replied pointedly, not caring about my choice of language.

Jungwon's gaze faltered for a moment before he handed me the bag, averting his eyes. I glanced inside to find an assortment of bread—cheesecake, sausage buns, and strawberry cream-filled pastries.

"Oh my god, Jungwon, did you buy all these for us?" I exclaimed, unable to believe his generosity.

"I have an older friend who works at this new bakery near my house," Jungwon explained. "He owed me some money, so I got these instead."

"Jung—" I started, but he shrugged, seemingly unfazed.

"Thank you so much, but you didn't have to," I insisted, feeling overwhelmed by his kindness.

"It's no problem, Lian. My grandma also insisted on it," Jungwon mumbled almost inaudibly. "I should get going for my friend, then."

"What? No," I blurted out, blushing at the panicked tone of my voice.

"Not so fast, Jungwon," my dad covered for me, appearing over my shoulder. "You can't leave without having a cup of coffee. Or tea, if Lian makes some."

"I will," I said, perhaps a little too enthusiastically.

Ignoring the amused look on my dad's face and Jungwon's surprised expression, I hurried to the kitchen to set down the bread and start brewing some coffee. My dad led Jungwon into the living room as I prepared the refreshments, trying to calm my racing heart.

After setting up the tray with bread and coffee, I rushed out of the kitchen to find my dad laughing heartily. His mouth was open in the most comical way, and his eyes were squeezed shut, hands on his tummy.

Shaking my head and smiling at his infectious laughter, I glanced at Jungwon and almost dropped the tray.

He was laughing along with my dad.

It All Started With A Creepy Mail ⚊ Yang Jungwon [#4] Where stories live. Discover now