✗ twenty four ✗

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chapter twenty four

Me: It just feels too weird to say I like you back when I don’t even know what you look like.

SD: Why does it feel weird?

Me: Because I don’t even know what you look like. I mean, I have a hunch, but I’m not sure yet.

SD: You have a hunch? How so?

Me: That’s a secret for now. 😉

SD: Fair enough. But what if I told you that I know what you look like?

Me: I know, but why?

SD: Yep. I know exactly what you look like for always staring

Me: How?! That’s not fair at all! Here I am, trying to figure out who you are, and you always seem to know what I'm doing in my life?

SD: Life’s not fair, right? 😏

Me: That’s so sneaky of you. I can’t believe you were doing this to me

SD: I didn’t want to make it too easy for you. Besides, it’s more fun this way. To keep you guessing.

Me: You’re impossible, you know that?

SD: I’ve been told that before. But in all seriousness, I like you for more than just how you look. You’ve got this personality that just draws people in. You’re genuine, caring, and you have this quiet strength that I really admire.

Me: You’re not just saying that, are you?

SD: Not at all. And you have to admit, it’s kind of cute how you’re trying to figure me out.

Me: I’m not sure whether to be flattered or frustrated. I mean, how do I even know who you are among them?

SD: Maybe you have. Maybe you haven’t. But that’s for you to figure out.

Me: This is so unfair! You know what I look like, and you won’t even give me a clue about you?

SD: Well, maybe I will. Someday. When the time is right.

Me: You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?

SD: A little. But hey, I did say everything’s not fair.

Me: Yeah, you did. But now you’ve got me even more curious. Why do you like me, really?

SD: Honestly, it’s not just one thing. You’re like this puzzle that I can’t stop thinking about. You’re interesting, and I like how you’re not afraid to be yourself even if you're introverted. Plus, you’re a cat person, and that’s just a bonus.

Me: You’re so mysterious. I’m not sure if I should be excited or nervous.

SD: Maybe a little of both. But don’t worry, I’m not hiding anything bad. I just wanted to see if you’d still like me even without knowing who I am.

Me: Well, I do like you, but now I’m dying to know who you are!

SD: All in good time. Just enjoy the mystery for now. I promise it’ll all make sense soon.

Me: You’re really something else, SD. But fine, I’ll play along. Just don’t keep me waiting forever, okay?

SD: I won’t. Trust me, it’ll be worth the wait.

Me: You’d better be right about that.

As I reread SD’s texts, I couldn’t shake the feeling of familiarity. The way he joked, his playful tone—it all reminded me so much of Jungwon. They had the same rhythm in their words, the same way of making me smile without even trying.

It All Started With A Creepy Mail ⚊ Yang Jungwon [#4] Where stories live. Discover now