Season 2 Episode 10 - A Very Glee Christmas(Part 2)

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The next day, Kelly was sprawled out on the floor, laying on her stomach and reviewing some yearbook spreads with Elvis Presley's 1957 Christmas album playing in the background. During the King's rendition of 'Blue Christmas', Kelly gazed over to her desk, more specifically to the VHS tapes sitting on top of it. She looked back down at the sheets in front of her and tried to focus. After reading through the paragraph but not really paying any true attention to it, she looked back at the tapes and sighed. She then stood up, grabbed the VHSs and went to the living room.

Kelly: "Hi." she greeted Will, when seeing him on the couch wrapping a gift.

Will: "Hey, what do you think?" he asked raising a fur lined track suit.

Kelly: "That I was right to send you to Kurt, and that she'll love it. Makes me wonder if you only asked for help with Sue's gift or if I should expect another kitchen appliance."

Will: "Funny." he sarcastically remarked before finally noticing the tapes in her hands, "What are you doing with those?"

Kelly: "Giving them back."

Will: "What?" he asked as she placed the tapes in front of him.

Kelly: "I've thought about it and I've realized I'm not ready."

Will: "I thought you wanted to know what your mom sounded like."

Kelly: "I did. I mean, I do, but I want to be in the right mind set when I hear her for the first time. I know I've been working a lot through the last few months with Dr. J and I really feel like I've been getting better but still I think I have more to work through and I don't believe I'm ready quite yet."

Will: "Okay."

Kelly: "So I'm giving these back to you to keep safe and hoping that when I'm ready you'll give them to me again."

Will: "I can do that." he told her with a soft smile before standing up and going over to her to bring her into a hug, "I'm proud of all the work you've put in to get better, Cashew. I know it's been tough for you, but I'm so proud of you."

Kelly: "Thank you."



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