Season 1 Episode 15 - The Power of Madonna(Part 1)

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During free period, the girl Glee Clubbers were sitting in the choir room working on their own things when Rachel finally spoke up.

Rachel: "Can I ask you guys something private?"

Santana: "Yes, you should move to Israel." she remarks.

Rachel: "It's about dating. Not that I'm dating anyone. We all know that Finn and I are no longer an item, and for the sake of the team, I broke up with Jesse. But let's just say I was dating someone." she told them as Will walked in and went to sit at one of the tables right outside of his office to continue working on somethings of his own. "Let's just say, hypothetically, we went to a Wiggles concert last Friday night, and then because my dads weren't home, we went up to my room and started making out. It was erotic and romantic. And then he said 'We should do it.' What if then he got really crabby and left, and didn't even take home the Care Bear I won him playing Skee Ball?"

Quinn: "Would you please stop talking? You're grossing out my baby."

Rachel: "I just want to be ready. I know I'm getting older, and these things are going to happen someday, but how do I stop a guy from getting mad at me for saying 'no'?"

Santana: "Just do what I do. Never say 'no.'" she suggested which made Kelly roll her eyes at the Latina.

Brittany: "Oh, totally. I mean, what's the worst that can happen? Sorry, Quinn."

Rachel: "Kelly." she said hoping that her friend would give her some better advise.

Kelly: "Yeah, I'm not comfortable talking about this with my father twenty feet away and obviously listening to our conversation." she told the brunette, but quickly got ignored due to her lack of advice making Rachel look towards Mercedes and Tina.

Mercedes: "Look, girl, don't ask me. The last guy I liked was the mayor of gaytown. And I can't wait to get a guy mad at me for saying 'no.'"

Tina: "We just have to accept that guys don't care about our feelings. Like, the other day, I was walking with Artie when he told me that I needed to change my makeup and wear tighter fitting clothing if I'm and I quote 'planning on getting all up on this.'"

Rachel: "That's got to sting." she says as Will got up and walked over to the girls.

Will: "Hey, guys. I'm sorry to interrupt your little sorority, but I couldn't help but overhearing. Are you really having that much boy trouble?"

Quinn: "You wouldn't understand, Mr. Schue. You're a guy." the blonde told their teacher as the rest of the girls nod.

Kelly: "Dad, it pains me to say this, but I agree with Juno." she says causing Quinn to let out a small sigh before Will continued on.

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