Chapter 15

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'Thank you Dad!!! And I'm extremely happy to know that your business is doing so well!!!'

'And I am relieved to know that Kedar and you are getting along. I was really worried about the abrupt wedding decision you had agreed upon Pakku but listening to you...I feel so relaxed now.' he said and I smiled too. I am having a video call with dad after three weeks of my marriage to Kedar and seeing dad so content made me happy too. Kedar indeed kept up his promise. He helped dad as a secret investor via one of his guys without dad's knowledge. That satisfaction on dad's face was all good until I spoke about Avanthi.

'I don't want to know anything about her Pakku. She just left for Sydney without even informing me well in advance leaving me to answer the world all the stupid questions. I don't want to talk about her Amana (sweetheart)...You can consider that I only have one daughter just like how the world considers it!!!' he said harshly and although I was also pissed with Avanthi I didn't like the way he said about Avanthi. After loosing mom I would never want to loose anymore dear ones in my life. Yes I'm angry with Avanthi but I would still want her to come home sorted. I may take time but will eventually understand her side of the story.

'Dad please don't say such things. Ava must have had her own reasons'

'You saying this Pakku? Really??? She screwed your life up!!!"

'She did not dad!!! Neil did!!! He backed off from the wedding. He chickened out. Yes Avanthi was unfair but not to Kedar...she judged him too early dad. Kedar is an introvert...he is a little shy to express himself but he's very caring and extremely kind. You know what he even cooks for both of us every night.

When I denied keeping a maid in our house because I couldn't afford one he even agreed to divide the workload you know? He sweeps and I mop! Yes he's a little harsh, sometimes behaves like a caveman too and yes we absolutely don't look good with each other as per my landlord 's wife and neighbours but who cares dad...He is a good human being and come on no man can match my beauty standards...and you know the men I like are all either married, committed or are having kids!!! I don't want to be nosy and above all actors lives are too hectic and flashy!!! I'd rather adjust with this boring businessman who cooks some boring food for me!!!' I said rolling my eyes while dad smiled asking

'I smell fragrance Amana (sweetheart)'

'What fragrance??? Ohhh wait a minute I was boiling milk to make hot chocolate but I switched it off then-'

'Pakkuuu!!! I smell love!!!' he said dramatically and I rolled my eyes

'Dad we both love bollywood movies doesn't mean love comes into my life at this speed so stop assuming. There is nothing like that. Kedar is a good human being...I respect him. Thats it!!! Nothing else!!!' I said firmly while dad asked

'Are you sure Pakku?' and I don't know why although I was pretty confident something inside my stomach somersaulted answering dad however I firmly said

'Dad please stop assuming nonsense...and do take care of Pranay...ask him to not play those stupid online games and study more. And don't worry about his education I will also lend my support to-'

'I don't want your money Pakku. You are married. Your happiness is all that I wish for. If you have more money save it for yourself. Your father can still run the show and I don't want my daughter's hard earned. Okay???' he said and although I didn't agree with his logic I knew it was tough to make him realise that it doesn't matter if I was a boy or a girl I would still take care of him just like he did all these years. It's not a favour it's my responsibility and my duty as a child. But his beliefs that once daughters are married it's all a favour was something I was always against. The reason why I had asked Kedar to never let him know about the 20 lakh Rupees.

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