✧༺chapter 5༻✧

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I open my eyes and see HIM standing there. The reason why I want to end it all. He uses magic to bring me back to the tower.


I burst out in tears. They just keep coming, I can't stop it. I hate it that I can't stop crying, I hate that I am so vulnerable now. That's the reason why I always hated crying in front of people. He steps closer to me. I flinch. He doesn't stop and pulls me in a hug. i dont hug him back, but neither do i resist it. we're just standing there. his arms wrapped around me while my own are next to my body.

"I'm so sorry Faith. I didn't mean it" he wispers. He never apologizes. I guess once is the first time for everything.

"Are y-you really-ly sorry T-Tom?" I manage to ask between my tears

"Yes I am"

He's still holding me in his arms, I return the hug. I feel save in his arms. I know it sounds weird, but I really do. After a minute or so he pulled away. I don't wanna pull away, I already miss his arms around me. 

(Yes I realise this is veeeeeery toxic, but I'll explain later why. but this doesn't mean this should happen in real life not at all actually.)

Tom and I walk to our dorm.

"You're going to stay here. I'll come back later okay?"

I obey him and nod my head. When he walks away I start thinking about him. After awhile of thinking I realise, Does he like me? Do I like him? I think I like him, but does he like me? I hope he does!

(she ain't gonna be a basic bitch and write it in a diary. i myself can't keep a diary cause it's too much work to write in it or i forget where i left it. i thought it'd be fun to add.)

I walk to a window in the room.

I look outside of the window. Then I remember he said 'he can't feel Love' but Marcus is his twin and he can feel Love right? Or did Tom lie? or maybe Marcus lied

𝙰𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚡𝚊𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

Tom walks in and sits next to me, he looks like he's thinking very deep, but he has to pay attention to the lesson. So I greet him.
"Hello my Lord"

"Hello Abraxas"
I am one of the few people he calls by first name.

𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖on 𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖


Me and The knights sat in the commonroom talking. (Faith and Marcus included)
F"How were your schooldays??"

It surprises me how much she cares about others eventhough she has enough going on in her life. I mean if I wasn't on time she killed herself. She's always so caring about us. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that she's the only girl in our friendgroup, or her personality. I'm disturbed when Theodore says my name, my first name.

T"Didn't I tell you not to call me by my fathers filthy name!!!" I feel anger building up in me as he disobeyed me. (dude seriously? it's your name!)

"Tom, relax please. We only wanted to get your attention. We didn't mean to upset you" Fae spoke in a soft voice. It sounds like she's apologizing. She puts her hand on mine looking in my eyes. Then I realised my hand had found it's way to my wand. (Not that kind of wand ya horny bish!) She had put her hand there to prevent me from avada kadavra-ing Theodore. It worked, my anger had faded away, but she let her hand stay there.
F"Can we ask the question?"

T"Go ahead"

A-M"Are you going to the party tonight?"
(I don't care if they don'thave parties in this time, just let me write this okay)

T"I'm not going. It's a waste of time, party's"

F"C'mon Tom"


A-M"Please come"

M"It's one party, just one"

N"Don't be so boring. Just come"

They said that at the same time, all kind of excuses.

T"SHUT UP!!" 𝚂𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 "Thank you, I'll come if you stop asking and don't ask again"

A"Party begins at 8"

𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢
𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗

At 8 pm Rosier and Avery walk into the party.
R"Do you see Tom? I don't think he came"

A"I don't see him, but I do see Fae and Abraxas!"

The two boys begin to walk to their friends.
A-M"Hey guys!"


A"Does one of you know if Tom came? It's probably his first party" they laugh.

F"You mean his first fun-event" They laugh again

A"Yes!! That's what I mean"

T"If it's so funny, why not share the joke?"

F"It's an inside joke" Fae quikly responds. If he knows what they're laughing about they'd get punishment. (not that kid😉 ya'll are dirty bishes)

F"Where's Theodore?"

M"I think he walked of to fuck a Gryffindork girl"

A"Hey, you also came"

M"I wouldn't miss it for the world, the first informal party Tom attends"

F"C'mon Marcus! Let's dance!!" she drags Marcus along to dance.

A"It wouldn't surprise me if Nott is not with a girl"

R"What do you mean?"

A"I think he's bi"

R"Yea, so do I. What do you think his type in boys is?" Abraxas walked away from them, not wanting to be a part of this conversation anymore. Instead he went looking for Tom


One thing I need to know before I can continue with the story is: do you want more sweet scenes between Tom and Fae? And is something gonna happen between Tom and Fae at the party?

And i hope you liked this chapter. Like I promised it didn't take long before I uploaded this chapter.
Thanks for reading❤❤❤

I just felt like adding the bi part. I actually think he could be. tell me if you also think so.

okay i just found out i never explained why Tom is toxic. i forgot about it, but i'll tell ya now. 

Tom as we all know doesn't feel love. but in my story its not that he cant feel love at all, he just blocks it out. he ignores most of his feelings. and he does care about Fae and the knights, but he doesnt know what to do with those feelings, so he's toxic. this doesnt give him the right at all to be toxic, but it explains his actions. 

and i just want to say this, my 'm' doesnt work very good anymore, i dont tap my keys very harshly,but i have to tap it harder then usual for the 'm', maybe it's not a problem, but better save then sorry. eventho you won't kill me or something if i dont type an 'm' (i think at least 😆)

and btw the text not written in bold in the a/n is me while editing and rereading the book so i can write a good alternative ending

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