✧༺chapter 19༻✧

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sorry that it's so late. I kinda forgot.

shit!!!!! I made out with Tom last night. Why did I do that? Right, he's the best kisser ever. But still!!! Did he like it? Otherwise he wouldn't do it, right? I seriously don't know. Does he like me? Probably not. wait, we're still in the same bed. did I wake him up with my moving around? I look at him to see him still asleep. luckily I didn't wake him. Shit he's hot. especially with messy hair. I wanna kiss him again. I softly kiss him, but to my surprise he kisses back and turns us so he's on top of me. He kisses me very passionetly. "How'd you sleep" He says in a dark voice. 

"Fuck that's hot" he raises an eyebrow at my response. "What?" 

"Y-your voice" I wisper to wich he chuckles "Do I make you nerveus Faith?" 

"Y-eh ye- fuck" I muttered the last thing under my breath, he does make me nerveus. "nice to know that Fae" he says before attacking my neck. What makes him not see the blush that takes place on my face.

while Fae and Tom are doing this we won't be talking about. I said we WON'T be talking about it

Marcus POV (Marcussss!!!! sorry I still had this one somewhere and wanted to use it)

I keep thinking about it. when will Tom and Fae admit their feelings? or will they keep their feelings to themselves for the rest of their lives? and will Tom stop being an asshole to all of us? i still hope someting will happen between Fae and Tom, my best-firstfriend and brother. they'd really make a great couple. what would be their couplename? Faem, Tae, Fom, Faitom, Faim, Toth, Taith, the DL's is still the best name or the dark L's. (oh really? you want something to happen between them? you don't wanna know what there doing now, I can promise that))

time skip

Fae POV ("Fae my bish!!!!!! how are youuuuuuuuuuuu?" don't mind me, just asking the main character how she's doing. What? can't I ask that after what she did with Tom?)

"Tom what are we?"

"What'd you mean?"

"Well.. we kiss, make-out, do all the things couples do except for showing affection and doing things in public. Are we friends with benefits?"

"You know I don't have friends"

"are we 'aquetenses' with benefits then? Please awnser" This was like the fifth time we hooked up, he was changing while I sit on his bed. And we are 6 months in the school year. Now another half year. 

"What are we supposed to be?" he stopped and looked at me. I can't help but look down at his abs, he's only wearing jeans now. "Stop gawking at me and awnser Jones" he said coldly

"I don't know... a couple. I'm not a stupid bitch you can hook up with whenever you want and treat like shit if you feel like it, and just use!"

"You sure about that? It's a little late to say that"

"you were just using me?!" I look at him to see if he's lying "o my god, you were actually using me" I say disapointed in myself, disapointed that I didn't notice this earlier, that I let this happen. 

"so sweet. You thought I was lying didn't you? Well I wasn't" I get up put my clothes on and walk away to my dorm. 

In my dorm I go sit on my bed thinking how I didn't notice it until someone comes in. a girl

"aww, look who it is crying over Tom"

"I'm not crying, I'm thinking"

"about how much you miss him? Pathetic!"

"I'm not pathetic, you are"

"If I were you I wouldn't say that"

"good thing you're not"

"watch your words! don't you know who I am and what I can do to you?"

"I don't care"

"I am your perfect. I'm A-

"And I don't care"

"how dare you-

"just doing it, that's how simple it is"

"don't you dare interupt me I'll-

"are you gonna cry to your boyfriend? I honnestly don't care, so get out"

"oh, you mean Tom?"

"since when is his taste that bad?"

"aw, are you jealous. just so you know last night Tom and I had lots of fun" I scoff at that, cause I know she's lying strait at my face. "what? you don't wanna-

"are you sure about that darling? Cause if I remember correctly he moaned my name last night" 

she scoffed "how dare you!! that's a lie!!-

F"how are you so sure about that?...... hm?... exactaly you're not" 

M"get out girl"

"Hey babe"

M"I'm not your babe"

"what are you talking about Tom?"

M"I'm not goddamn Tom bitch!!"

F"aww, you don't even know your own boyfriend. How pathetic" she walked away crying

"I thought you and Tom were more than just a hook up"

"I did too, but appa- WAIT WHAT?!! HOW'D YOU-"

"I heard it, relax girl" he said laughing

"it's not funny!!!"

"it is!!"

"are you serious?"

T"What's so funny Lopez?"

F"shit" I muttered under my breath

M"shit!! hey" 

T"what?" he spat back coldly

M"how sweet, you were looking for Fae"

T"I wasn't, but I heard from Malfoy you were here"

M"why do you want to talk to me?"

F"stop! What makes you think you can just walk in here like you own the place?"

T"what's supposed to stop me? you? *scoff* don't make me laugh"


T"watch your words!"

F"why would I?! tell me why the fuck would I!!"

T"because I-!!"

F"because you can hurt me? well I don't give a damn about pain!!! I love pain, it's the only thing you ever made me feel anyway!!!"

M"Fae, relax"

F"NO, FUCKING NO!!!! I'M NOT AN OBJECT YOU CAN USE AND COMMAND, TOM!!!! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!!!" he looked back at me with a dangerous look in his eyes before responding. T "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE SAYING-

F"GET THE FUCK OUT!!!" I screamed, but I walked away after. He seriously pissed me off. I'm so blind in anger walking around that I don't even know where I'm going, I don't realise where I am until I see-

🎶clifffhanger🎶 yes........again, a cliffhanger. but I promise the next part is gonna be fun or nice, whatever. how are you guys/girls/nonbinary doing? I hope you like the book so far!

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