✧༺chapter 18༻✧

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You're already getting another chapter because I'm in a good mood for now. I litterally got 17 notifications from Wattpad cause @Svetaaaaaaaa1 voted on all the chapters, thank you so much. So now I'm kinda happy. hope you enjoy this chapter. Btw this doesn't mean that I won't publish a new chapter tomorow you're just getting an extra chapter right now.

third POV

"stop it Jones"


"you know exactaly what i mean"

"oh, do I?"

"yes you do!" he got irritated

"are you sure?" to irritate him even more she did something that hadn't happen in a long time. she kissed him. he didn't know what to do, he just kissed back. his hands went to her waist, while hers wrapped themselves around his neck. she got even closer to him, too close, so they met the wall. there they didn't stop, as if they didn't know what was happening. he turned them around so she was against the wall now.  he began kissing her neck, giving her hickeys. he told her to jump, he caught her and apparatted them to his room. but before something else could happen there was a knock, on the door. frustrated Tom yelled: "What!!"

"can I come in?"


F"yea sure" I quickly step away from him, while he groans in annoyance. 

"hey, how are you Tommy?" she said with a very sugarcoated voice. then she noticed Fae "who is this babe?"

I feel a sting. Who is this bitch? and who does she think she is? he'd never be with someone like her, she's not even his type. I don't even know what his type is, why did i think that? is this a sting of jealousy? i guess so.

T"this is Faith, my... friend" just a friend? is this what just friends do?

"really a friend? she's so ugly!"

T"get out"

"it's also my dorm Love" her to sugarcoated voice almost makes me throw up so fake is it. you can just get a spoon full of sugar from her words. she's too fake. how can you be such an ass-kisser? unbelievable! if that was me i'd be ashamed as hell. i can't believe she'd act like this. so embarrasing!

T"don't call me that"

"earlier you didn't have a problem with it baby"

T"don't call me any nicknames. I hate nicknames" he sounds very irritated and angry. but I can't help thinking he looks hot. Cause he does. he looks so hot right now.

T"get out, whore" since when does he insult people? (since someone disturbed his s-) most of all why does it make me feel so special?

the girl ran out crying.

"you didn't need to make her cry" I laughed a bit

"I felt like it. why do you even care?"

"I don't"

he chuckled "really? you look very jealous darling" I look at him. there's  something in his eyes i can't place what it is. it's something new from him, also something i've never seen in someones eyes. i wonder what it is. we keep staring at each other, nothing happens until he moves. he steps closer to me. what's he gonna do? then i felt his hand on her cheek. he crashed his lips on mine, I was to shocked to do anything. why would he kiss me? except if- he didn't stop, it wasn't a quick kiss, not at all. when he didn't stop i begun kissing him back, our lips moving in sync. i've never a such a passionate kiss, and i'd never think i'd have one with- he disturbed my thoughts when i felt his tong asking for entrance, wich i gladly gave him. 

damn my music! it just all came out because of that, yes these were spicy songs i guess. oh well. i hope you liked it. 

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