✧༺chapter 7༻✧

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Marcus POV

After Fae and the boy were done name calling each other they had to go with the teacher to talk about their behavior. I sat in the common room waiting for her. She came back.

"What the fuck!! Why did I get a detention?! It's his fault!!" I just let her vent to me.

"One question, who are we talking about?"

"My brother!!"

"I didn't knew you have a brother"

"It doesn't matter, he's an idiot anyways"


F"And what?!

N"What happend, did you actually get a detention?"

F"YES! Now fuck of"

T"Are you still angry because of that detention?" he asks calmly, almost too calm for it to be Tom asking the question.

F"Kinda. I'm angry because I got a detention, but he as the 'favourite student' didn't!!"

T"You're upset about that?"


Tom walked away.

A"That's rude!! Walking away in the middle of a conversation"

"YoU Are RUdE!" Fae said mimicking Avery.

A"Ugh... We understand that you don't like having detention, but that doesn't mean you have to be so anoying!"

F "I'm not!"

N"Just stop it you two!"


A-M "Do you even need to ask that?"


T"You don't have detention"

F "What, how do you know that?"

T "It's just that you can't attend that"

F"Why not?"

T"We have prefect shift during detention"

F"wait a second... you dont even know when i have detention!"

T"It's always around our shift"

F"really? Never noticed"

A"Of course, because he just arranged it for you!"

A-M"because he is in love with you!"

T"im not in love with anyone!"

N"sure keep lying to yourself! you cant hide it from us!"

F"He doesn't like me! And if he did, I dont like him. And if I did I would never date him! dating is a wast of time!" (i changed it to dating because my lovelies, love isn't a waste of time. having people who love you is good and nice. and i mean like family and friends, not neciserally a relationship.)

A"you just said it youself!! you like him!!"

F"no! I'm just telling you idiots every reason why I'll never date him! I know all of your secrets! can't hide anything from me!!"

L"liar you dont know everything about me!"

F"you sure about that?"

L"yes! 100%"

F"your crush is h-" Asher quickly put his hand over Faiths mouth.

L"auww. you bit me!!"

F" and that my friend is why you shouldn't put your hand on my mouth!"

L"it fucking hurts bitch!" 

F"oh, I know!"

L"which one?"

F"both" she smirked

A"sorry I didn't get it. What were the options?"

F"whether I'm a bitch or whether it hurts"

N" thanks for explaining Jones"

F" Nott a problem"

N" you really gotta stop with the jokes about my last name Jones"

F "nahh, they're too fun" 

during perfect shift

Fae/third pov

me and Tom walking are through the halls when suddenly he pushes me against the wall.

F"Tom? what are you doing?" i spoke with a little fear but mostly confusion in my voice.

T"sh" he pushes his finger against my lip while looking behind him

F"you do realise you don't make any sense right now?"

T"sh" then i sees it. A big snake. It's a basilisk. Tom turns and says something to it, but not in English. In parseltong. he turns back surprised when he hears someone greeting the snake in parseltong, it's Faith.

T"How do you know that?" he says while locking her between his arms so she can't escape the question by running away.

F"know what?" she asked innocently.

T"you know what i'm talking about! you can speak parseltong"

F"no I can't" she spoke innocently.

T"then what language do we speak now?" she looked away from him defeated, but Tom grabbed my chin making me look at him. we are so close. i can bassically kiss him. NO, STOP IT. YOU CANT KISS HIM. HE'S YOU FRIEND. then it happend. the biggest mistake of my life, but at the same time the best. we kissed. me and Tom kissed! YES I KISSED WITH THE TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE!! Fae thought. but it was too late, she already kissed him. Was it actually the biggest mistake? yes, their friendship is most likely ruined, but maybe theres something else growing between them? 

There you goooooo! The next chapter's done. Yes I'm quickly changing a few chapters now. I'll change and publish some more tonight probably. anyways I hope you enjoy. And it's important you actually read them again, cause I've probably changed something in the chapter. 

i absolutely love the editing of Fae making fun of Theodores last name 😂😂😂

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