✧༺chapter 9༻✧

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Two things before we start. One: I thought I'll publish another part cause the last one was short😁. I'll do regular updates on saturday, sometimes sunday. so this week you'll have two😉😁. lucky you
Second: for anyone who didn't notice the story is now called 'the dark lady' and this story isn't gonna be done in 16 chapters like my first one, i have to much ideas for that. ill never be able to fit them in 7 chapters or they're gonna be very long chapters.

a month after the kiss

Marcus POV

In the commonroom

M"Fae and Tom have been acting weird"

A-M"yeah I noticed too, especially around each other"

M"yes.... I wonder what has happend between Tom an-"

A"what are we talking about? What's happening with Tom?"

A-M"always so curious Tavor"

N"c'mon we all wanna know!"

M"who is we?"

R"just me, Theodore and Avery"

L"I do too!"

R"just us four then"

A-M"I'm not saying it"

F"saying what?"

A-M"Fae!" he looked shocked and surprised by her presence.



F"guyss?" she looks at us with that demanding look you can't diny and Theodore, Asher, Xadrian, Tavor walk away quickly. Then she turns to Abraxas.

A-M"sorry I gotta go"


A-M"Slughorn's class"

F"its weekend" she looks at him with a serious face raising her eyebrow. She knows he was lying. F"and don't come with the excuse he asked you to come after class in the weekend, cause I would have heard that. We sit next to each other in potions"

A-M"ehhhh.... Xadrian is calling me gotta go!" and he was gone.

T"why did I find the knights talking while walking away from here and did they go silent the second they saw me? What's going on Marcus?"

M"nothing" shit they're scary when they're standing there like that, Fae: her arms crossed and that serious questioning look one eyebrow raised, Tom: a very serious expression. What if.... If they work together and set their pride away? the TDL's: The Dark Lord and The Dark Lady. They would be a very dangerous, scary, ambitiously, resourceful, determent and very clever couple- wait couple? They have to much pride for that. But they could make a good one... one problem: Tom wants horcruxes and Fae doesn't, she'll kill him if he gets them, even if its only one. They already work together very good, sometimes its scary, as if they read each others mind. What if they do? they's make good looking tho... so they should be a-

F"Marcus? Can you hear me? Get back from daydreaming"

M"oh sorry. I was just thinking"

T"about what?"

M"ehm... you don't wanna hear it"

F"if its not about fucking someone I do want to hear it"


F"just say it. Or are you scared?"


F"are you really scared of me" she breaks out in laughter and there's that beautiful cheerful rare laugh of her. She barely laughs and smiles anymore.

M"no I'm not but its just... its *sigh* I don't think you will- will listen to me or....let me finnish"

F"just say it. We'll be silent so you can speak, okay?"

M"mmmkay. I-I think you two would make a great couple-"

T"that's bullshit! You know love only makes you weak!! I never thought my own goddamn brother would believe in that fucking bullshit!!"

F"he never said LOVE"

T"that's what he means by that!"

M"no I- you didn't let me finish! If you let me finish you'd know why I said it! I knew you'd react like this! You never fucking listen to me!!"

T"that's because you can only say bullshit!" and Tom walks away furious

F"no its because you cant control your fucking temper!! You have fucking anger issues Tom!!!" she shouldn't have said that, he'll kill her

T"what did you say?!" he turned around and walked towards her getting very close, she walks back until she hits the wall. (does he LOVE Fae? I think you've got a little crush Tommyboy)


I walk closer to her until she hits the wall.

T"what did you fucking say?" I whispered to her this time. But she doesn't look intimidated or scared, even though I'm towering over her she still keeps looking in my eyes. She places her hand on my chest and gently tries to make more space between us. When I don't give in she pushes harder, but I come closer to her to irritate her. I stop when our bodies are touching and don't care that she likes her personal space. I only want to get closer and kiss her again. Suddenly I realise what I'm doing and step away from her. I begin walking back to my dormroom when I feel a hand on my arm, I turn around.

"I'm sorry Tom. I shouldn't have said that. I guess I lost my temper" she's looking in my eyes again and it's hard to control myself. Yes you heard me right. She's turning me on. I want to kiss her.. again but now there aren't people around us. I still continue walking to my dorm, but she follows me. Why?

T"why are you following me darling?" she raised her eyebrow at me. Then I realized it, I said darling. Why did I do that?

She raises her eyebrow before saying "we have the same dormroom, and I wanna talk about it"


F"you know exactly what I mean" now I raise my eyebrow at her
"the kiss Tom.... And I think you should've let Marcus continue"

T"it was a one time thing. We can agree on that, can't we?"

F"yes we can but-"

T"so, I don't see what the problem is" I turn to my desk. Suddenly I'm pushed to the wall by Fae. She has her hands on my shoulders and has no idea in what a dangerous position we are right now. She's looking in my eyes again, then she......

its ♫♬cliffhanger♬♫(im say-singing it) I hope you liked it. what do you think is gonna happen? 

I'm gonna try it again.  Do you think I should do more chapters with her brother or not? 

i never got an awnser on that question 😭😭😭😭 i will  bring him back myself then in the alternative ending... if i remember at least 😂😂

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