alternative ending

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I wanna give a bit of a disclaimer... I wrote this during my EMDR appoinments... It made me feel like I hadn't slept in weeks and my head turns of, but I wrote it anyway cause the idea was still fresh in my head, but it's very likely that it makes no sense or it looks like its written by a young child or something, but i'll try my best. i will edit this later, so i won't be a problem then, but for now it is. If you want an explanation of what EMDR is just ask. 

hi, i came up with an alternative ending for the ones who dont want Tom to die, cause he did die. and i saw that its almost a year ago i begun with this book... i think its really crazy that i begun writting this almost a year ago... but heres the alternative ending, i hope you enjoy

especially for RachelRiddle2015, i feel really sorry, killed Avery but you love him, sooo, this is dedicated to you and Tavor Avery 😂😂

Tom's POV

i woke up surrounded i cold sweat. gross. that was a very weird dream... was it even a dream? maybe it was... no how could it be... it must've been a look into the future... weird.

i start packing my stuff to begin the fifth year of hogwarts. i had planned to make another horcrux in the vacation, but i didn't the dream kept replaying in my head. i get onto the train and drown in my thoughts.

when i arrive at hogwarts i go to the classroom where we would meet. i don't know what to say and do anymore. i regret the pain i've caused them, i'm becoming a monster. and i regret it now. not caring for my friends. yes, they're my friends, i finally admit it. but.. now to say it out loud... that's a lot more difficult.

i walk into the classroom and see them talking, but it immediately becomes quiet the milisecond they notice me. i have caused them so much harm already that i understand it. when i look around i notice Tavor isn't here yet. just then he comes in enthausiastically.

A "how was your guys' vacation?!" then he noticed me "shit, i'm so sorry my lord"

Third POV

while Avery panicks Tom thinks. and the rest watches in fear, fear for Tavors life.

T "it's okay Avery" this shocked everyone in the room. he didn't get angry and crucio Avery.

Tom swallowed trying to gain a bit of courage. "i'm sorry" this shocked everyone in the room, even Tom himself. he said sorry... Tom Marvolo Riddle doesn't apologize. yet all eight of them are there to hear it. he apologized. "i'm sorry for the pain i've cause you all." 

F "are you sick?" she asked putting the back of her hand on his forehead as if to take his tempature.

T "no, not anymore"

A "what? when were you sick then?"

T "i just... i'm s- i shouldn't have-i-"

F "Tom. it's okay, you can tell us"

T " i... fuck. i- nevermind"

N "what the fuck? normally you don't hesitate with saying ANYTHING"

T "can i speak to Jones. alone"

R "aww man, we're gonna miss the love declaration of Tom"

A-M "c'mon guys, we have to give them some privacy"

N "what do they need privacy for?"

A-M "so they can make love in peace" 

"WHAT?!!! THEY'RE TOGETHER AND ARE HAVING SEX!!!??" Asher and Tavor exclaimed at the same time.

N "duhh, didn't you sense teh sexual tension between them?"

M "and that's enough, i don't have to hear your fantasies between my brother and best friend"

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