✧༺chapter 13༻✧

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Can people please just read chapter 12? It's important for the story! I see that everybody just skips the part, but please as author I'm asking you to read it. Otherwise I made the chapter for no reason. (I edited this after I published chapter 17) okay, I achieved my goal; already five people read chapter 12

I'm sick at home right now. So i decided to publish another part. Cause why not? The most annoying part is that I actually feel sick, I honnestly hate feeling sick. I can't be productive and then I feel so useless. Who also feels like that when they're sick?

fifth year at hogwarts


a new year attenting hogwarts. they don't see it. but I've changed. the first horcrux is made. it's the notebook Jones gave me, yes the one we comunicate through. i mean i always keep it with me in case i need to communicate with her during lessons. (liar! it also has emotional value!) i'm glad i made my first horcrux, i don't feel so confused about Faith anymore. not that i'll addmit that i ever did, because 'Love is weak'

i walk down the hall at night to the classroom where we're having our first meeting after the vacation. i see the knights: Nott, Lopez, Malfoy, Rosier, Lestrange and Jones. Avery wasn't there yet. but it's good that they're talking now. yes we talked through letters, but it's good that they have contact in real life again. i begin walking over to them. (if anyone would every reread this, yup, i've changed their names to the last names, it seems more like something Riddle would do 😆😂😂)


I'm talking to the guys when I see Tom waking over.
F"hey Tom!"

T"how many times do I need to say it?" why does he sound like he's threatening me? (maybe because he is threatening you)
i look at him confused. clearly not knowing what i did wrong. T"don't call me by my filthy muggle fathers name!" why is he so angry. i look at the other knights. they look very intimidaded by him. not realising something's wrong.

F"what happend Tom?"

T"one more time and you'll regret being born!!"

I swallowed. F"I'm sorry Lord" this isn't Tom. not MY Tom at least.

T"it's Lord Voldemort this is the last time I say it!!!"

F"sorry Lord Voldemort" I feel tears comming up because of how rude he's being. then i remember, he was at the ophanage. they never treated him good there, that's probably why he's being rude now. (if only you knew) I miss the old Tom. I loved him not this Tomwannabe. he is way to rude. i just wish this was all a joke. not that he's the type for jokes, but still, i can hope right? It's not realistic, i know.

third POV

A"how was your guys vacation?!"

F"it was-

T"don't yell Avery" he said with an impassive look, not facing who he is talking to.
T"anyways. now Avery is here, too late, but still here. did you do what i assigned?" the boys all nodded except for Tavor Avery.
(i did say the meaning of his name fits at the begin of the story. it means: broken, unfortunate. i feel so bad for Tavor, first off all he has a bad meaning for his name, and second... i'm not gonna spoiler my own book, but yea....)
Tom looked at Avery with a cold look. no emotion at all. He teriffied his 'friends' with it, so emotionless was he.
T"crucio" he said with the same unsympathic, piercing stare, now facing Tavor, his body expression not changing, he still looked very coldhearted. oh wait, it changes. he smirkt shaking his head, enjoing it. while the heart tearing screems of Avery pierced through the room. the rest of the knights didn't say anything, shocked and scared that they would end-up like Avery. Marcus pulled Fae towards him, and took her in his arms making her face away from Tom and Tavor. as if he wanted to protect her with his own body. she felt tears coming, but knows she can't cry now. he'd crucio her too.
T"did this help you learn a lesson, Avery? you look so pathetic there lying on the ground screeming" Avery couldn't give a reaction, he was in to much pain.

after the meeting


Marcus took me to his dorm, because i was to scared to be in the same room as Tom alone after what he'd done to Avery.
M"are you sure you're okay Fae?"

F"I-I Idon't- know" i reply between sobs.

M"aww, come here" he pulled me closer to his chest again.
that night i fell asleep in Marcus' bed, in his arms.

now that Tom is being an asshole and most of all I'm thinking about it, should it be a Faicus book or Fatom (😨😱Fatom≈fantom≈phantom Fatom=phantom. they're phantoms🤣 it's the phantom-couple🤣) I have a very nice idea for phantom, but I also got an awesome idea for Faicus, it'll still be a nice idea. please awnser this question the second you see it cause it's getting in my way, not having an awnser on it. but it's kinda my own fault. i write ahead. if you can't choose also tell me, cause it's also a possibility I do both of them, but I'll probably when it's finnished make two different books from it. right now I got something nice for part 18 for both the ideas. and they're totally different and both nice. so please let me know. but if you don't choose i'll choose myself 

(.... i forgot the idea i had for Faicus... i think i do have it somewhere... but where?)

(found the other part 18... i could put it into a different book... would be kinda funny... wait a minute... i already kinda begun with one, but it was more a copyish from this one.. i could write a different beginning and a bit different story and publish it... if anyone's interested at least. i can't place it here as a choose the chapter, cause it changes the whole plot)

and another question. Do you want me to write longer ones or shorter like this one? if it's longer there will be more subjects in it probably.

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