✧༺chapter 28༻✧

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It's two weeks later and Tom came back home. He saw Marcus there, waiting for him.

"What is going on. Why are you waiting" Tom asked emotionless.

"did you get your 6 horcruxes?" Marcus asked nervously

"nearly. Why are you waiting. I won't ask again."

"Why the fuck did you make those horcruxes darling." Suddenly speaking Fae spit out the word darling. She looked just as emotionless as him. Or more, if that's possible.

(shit! I'm at school and my laptop's almost empty. And I can't charge it now. And there isn't a powersocket. (not sure how it's called😊😉) Wish me luck with finishing it now before it turns off.)

"none of your business"

"why not? Because it's not my family you killed?" she spoke harshly but still emotionless. She didn't show any signs of human in her. It was as if she wasn't herself. Because she wasn't. No, she was out for revenge. Out for revenge on him, because he killed people. Sons, daughters, fathers, mothers. No, she didn't like that he killed those people. She warned him he shouldn't do that, but he did anyway and now he'll have to suffer through the consequences.

"you made a mistake Riddle"

"I don't make mistakes Jones" he replied.

"are you sure about that. You don't look like you are. But I guess- she paused to inhale deeply -sinse you're always right. I must be wrong."

"stop it"

"what" she asked raising her eyebrow

"what could I possible do that annoys you, that's wrong. Hmmmm let me think.- she paused again thinking deeply- Living?- she let out a chuckle- No that couldn't possibly be it, right."


"silencio. Don't interrupt me when I'm speaking. That's a very dangerous move- she paused again before continuing- Riddle" she said the last word with a dangerous glare in his direction.

"eh, Fae?-

"what?" she asked obviously irritated.

"what are you doi-

"what does it look like- she paused only long enough to let the question sink in before speaking -I'm murdering Riddle" she said it so serious that Marcus got scared of her. Scared of what she'd do to anyone who doesn't listen.


"because he betrayed me"


"I think he knows the answer to that."

"can I know it?"

"if you really want to.- she looked him in the eyes- that can be arranged" Marcus nodded in response. While Tom was glaring at the both of them. Because they acted as if he wasn't even in the room. He felt betrayed, and hurt. But why? He felt betrayed by the both of them, not because they didn't acknowledge him anymore, but because they were so close to each other, and not only in distance. He also felt hurt because of that, because they were so close to each other that they could almost kiss. Suddenly he realized what Fae meant, how he betrayed her. And he realized something. Something that was a big problem if he wanted to rule the wizarding world. Weakness. His weakness is Fae. He is in love with her. He wished he could tell her, but she had put an silencing spell on him. He couldn't tell her. He just wished he knew earlier, he told her earlier. They never said I love you, they never were official, they never were real, as if it was a day dream, she was his daydream and he was hers, they were made for each other, but not in these circumstances. Not while he was the dark lord, not while she was too broken. It was the right person, but the wrong universe, the wrong life. Maybe if she still had her parents, what if he never was in the orphan, what if they confessed earlier. But the what if's always come to late. It was too late, they couldn't be fully happy with each other anymore. The pain would always strike through their love. it isn't possible to share your life with the person who hurts you most. Not even when they can be nice, but hurt you more. Not when they hurt you more than that they love you.

shiiiiiit this last one took a personal turn for me..... my parents are divorced and I begun to think of them. But this is the end, I think. Maybe I could do like an epilogue, but I think I'll leave it an open end. I know it's not totally open, but whatever.

Okay I did it with out my laptop turning of, but now it really needs to charge!!

Please let me know what you thought of it, this story and the end. Cause I love good endings, but this isn't one. And some peace of life advise: when someone hurts you more than that they make you happy, leave them. They could be manipulating you or be narcistic, or they just simply don't care about your feelings. I know that the truth can hurt a lot. I have felt it myself. But sometimes you need to drop the people who hurt you. Not literally, or maybe literally. But leave them out of your life. If they can't treat you right, they don't deserve you. You are amazing, I'm not saying this because I want you to read my books or because you sticked till the end, but because it's true.

Should I write an alternative ending?

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