✧༺chapter 12-prologue part 2༻✧

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༺prologue part 2༻

at the end of the year. night before they leave hogwarts for vacation. it's around midnight


it's night and i'm in the chamber of secrets talking to the basilisk in parceltongue. talking about my plans to become immortal more precisely.

B"i think it's better if you don't wait until to make a horcrux. they already know that you're planning to make one. why wait even longer"

T"your right" i am gonna make my first horcrux now. i get out of the chamber and see a girl. by the look at her uniform she's in ravenclaw.

fast forward to a few hours. it's around 2:00 am, 2 hours after midnight.

I look at it again. my firts horcrux. it's the notebook Faith gave to me. the one we communicate in. i thought it would be smart to make it my first horcrux. i always keep it with me, just incase me and Faith need to communicate. thinking about her now makes me kinda regret making a horcrux, especially when she told me yesterday that there are other ways to be immortal, of course i didn't listen to her. i mean, why would i? she's just a stupid girl. honnestly it had felt awfull making a horcrux, i had litterly felt a piece of me tearing away when i made the horcrux. but it's for the 'greater good'. my immortallity. how does she even know so much about immortallity? it doesn't make sense. she hates horcruxes and immortallity but knows so much about it. she's fascinating. she really is. but no time to think about stupid girls. we are leaving hogwarts this morning for vacation, to be precisely in 7 hours. the train leaves at 9:30 am. so i still had 7 hours to go to my dorm, plan more things the most impotant thing now is decide what the knights are gonna do at home, rest, eat, have the last knightmeeting this year, grab my stuff, say goodbye, and then i have to find a spot in the train. preferably alone, then i could plan some more things. i wouldn't like to have eavesdroppers.

for anyone who noticed that I didn't write any comment on my writing for the first time. It's here, down below. (in hell, down below? no. stop thinking like that a/n! (educating myself is hard😂))

just to clear this up if you were confused: he did not make one the other chapter. he was: planning when and how, figuring out how to open the chamber and where it was. so bassically preparing. cause he's a very organised person. well except for now, when he just made his first horcrux very impulsive. it can bring nice thing but it's not always the smartest decicion.

i don't care if the snake doesn't talk to him about the horcruxes. it's fiction. this isn't the same as the franchise. so if you don't like it: you can go, or continue reading it being annoyed, choose yourself.

btw for anyone who's interested i slept 3 hours after i went to get food the day before yesterday. yesterday night i slept good, but last night i slept 5 hours... lets hope i sleep good the next few days. otherwise i ight go do something productive like editing this book further or cleaning my room or something. 

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