✧༺chapter 24༻✧

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I suffered to give you this chapter so you better enjoy it. at the end of this chapter you see the reason why, if you're wondering. enjoy!!


I'm walking through Hogwarts again, but I'm a teacher now. It feels weird walking around here again. I walk towards the headmasters office for a meeting for the beginning of the schoolyear. Those meetings are to talk about new teachers, the rules, school related stuff, and I don't know what else boring teachers can talk about. The only reason I'm going to teach here is because someone needs to keep an eye on dumbledore. Why me? Because Tom is busy with his 'dark Lord' busness and the other boys can't become teachers, they're simply not mature enough they'll never be. They'll always have the mind of children. They'll always think and act like one, but that's fine. It's what I like about them. They're not as serious as Tom and me. And that's what makes me like them. They haven't been through as much trauma as me and Tom. Maybe I'm lying, but I wouldn't ly about something that serious and damaging. I know I never talked about it. But that's my own choice. I'm not comfertable with sharing trauma with the boys because I hope they can't relate to it and never will. What trauma have I been through? Well, for starters my parents and brother died when I was in year six. I lost myself in grieve and pain, acting like it doesn't have as much impact as it really has, putting on a mask of lies and fakeness. I really miss my brother, we were always so close.


Third Pov

"Can we pleasseeeeeee bake cookies, Everett?"

"Fine, but only for you fairy" the small blonde girl smiled at that looking up at the boy. 


after they baked cookies they sat eating the cookies on the counter. 



"can we please go to the forest?"

"sure" he grabbed the girl by her hand and they ran outside and into the forest, but she didn't knew it would be the last time she'd see her brother in a long time, the last time they'd go to the forest.

"I love you sissy!" he told her whilst twirling around with her. 

"I love you too big brother!"

end of flashback


In realisation that I got lost in my thoughts again I shook my head in attempt to forget the memory. I got kinda sad thinking about it again. It was the last time we backed cookies and went to the forest. after that he didn't have time, when he finally got time I didn't anymore. and after that we just simply dirifted apart, I became a teenager and 'didn't need' my older brother anymore. I hated him at those moments. when he wanted to do something and I wasn't in the mood to even talk to him, I hate myself for that. But what's in the past stays in the past. It's not like I can save them now. It kills me inside saying that, but it's the truth! I can't save them, they're dead. I shake my head again hoping to forget the thoughts. 

I atend the meeting and after that I go to my own office. It's really weird being here again, but now I have my own office. I open the door to see someone sitting on the desk. It takes me a few seconds to recognize it's Tom. I sprint into his arms sobbing. 


I sit in Fae's office waiting for her. I look around, check my watch, look around for the fifth time. when I finnaly decide it's gonna take a long time before she's in her office I go sit on her desk waiting. But when she finally opens the door, takes a second to recognize me, she sprints to me sobbing in my arms? Why is she sad? I don't like this, did the other teachers bully her? What the hell! I didn't want this! 

"I'm so sorry Tom" 

"shhh, it's okay" I say in attempt to comfort her.

"I-I don't know wha- what- I cut her off talking myself.

"shhh, I'm here just relax, it's fine Fae. It's okay, I promise"

"but I- realising she's not gonna stop I kiss her. when she finally relaxes in my arms she begins to explain why exactally she begun sobbing. of course I try to be as understanding as possible when I dislike my own brother and don't really make memories with him.

"I'm so sorry. Your shirt is wet" 

"it's fine, It's just a shirt" I don't like wearing wet clothes so I take of my shirt. I see her gawking at me. When she quickly looks away flustred a chuckle at her reaction.

"Like what you see darling?" 

I have to stop the chapter here, otherwise I have a very long chapter here and nothing for saterday or a short one. and I litterally wrote this upstares sitting on the floor cross-leged, while my family is downstairs😂 Inocently hoping they aren't coming upstairs to check on me since I dissepeared a bit more than 2 hours ago. no it didn't take 2 hours to write this, more like one. hope you liked this. I serously didn't think that a filler chapter would get this long! sorry but Imma cut a bit of off this chapter and add it to the next otherwise this chapter has over 1000 words and the story part is 990(exactally)!! I've taken the 'hot' part away for next chapter and added a few senteses here. hope you don't hate me for that.

and please awnser my question for once. what kind of teacher should Fae be?

btw I will try updating wednesday and saturday again

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