✧༺chapter 27༻✧

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It's a few Days after I heard of the news that Tom was killing more innocent people. And his father, but I don't care about him. Why the fuck is he killing more people? He knows I hate that!!

I walk down the halls to the headmasters office to quit my job since it's needed that I find and take care of Tom. I refuse to obey him when he doesn't even try to do something with my wishes. He can fuck off! No matter how much I love him.

"Hello miss Jones. What made you come here? "

"Hello. I came to tell you that I'm quitting. Being a teacher isn't the thing for me. "

"But you're-

" I'm serious. I'm quitting. Nothing you say can change my mind. I've made my decision." I have to do this. It's for Tom.

Suddenly I realise why I exactaly did this. I love Tom. But he doesn't love me. He can't, right?

I sigh. Love is difficult. I hope I can find Tom before it's to late. Before he has made his 6 horcruxes.

After I quit my job I apparated back into my home wondering where he could be.

Because he pissed me of so fucking much I decide to let out my anger by training. You can never have enough training. But while training one of the boys came in. Right at the wrong moment.

"ehm, Fae?"

"WHAT!!" she snaps at him.

"ar-are you okay? You'r-


"I-eh-" he was cut off by Fae. She needed to let out her emotions, her pain. For to long she kept them inside of her. To long hiding what she felt.

Marcus POV

I'm looking for Fae when I see Theodore.

"where's Fae?"

"Eh I think she went to the training area"

"okay, thank you"

"no problem"

But when I walk into the training area I'm shocked by what I see. Fae, Blood, WAIT WHAT, BLOOD? Yes, Fae, blood, and a boy. One of the newer ones. He's... ALIVE. She's ruthlessly killing him. Why? I never thought she'd do this. She's making him feel as much pain as possible, with spells, weapons, you name it, until she... she avada kadavra-ed him..... What the hell's going on?


"FUCK OFF!!" I still see the anger raging in her eyes. She's going for a killing spree. It just begun. Next is Tom. I have to stop her, or she'll regret it later!

"I-relax Fae!"

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO FUCKING DO!!!!" She scared me. I'm not used to this side of her, infact I've never seen her like this, and that says something since in know her for long, very long. What happened? Why is she so angry?


"relax first!! If I tell you right now you'll kill him!!"


"you'll regret it later!! Relax!!!!" Shit!! If she keeps being so angry she'll also kill me. I'm worried for her, for Tom. Why are they both acting like this? They've become killers. I never knew Fae could do something like this. From Tom yea, but not from Fae. I don't know what to do anymore. So I just give up and tell her he said he'll come back in 2 weeks. After I said that I saw something dangerous in her eyes. What the hell?! What's she gonna do?

"Thank you Marcus. You've been a great help" this doesn't mean anything good. Now I'm actually more worried and scared then when she was yelling. I don't know this side of her and I don't like it.

I know it's short, but I promise that the end is coming. I stopped it here because in here is gonna be a sort of time skip and after that the end I think. I hope you liked this book and tell me what you think of Fae showing her Dark Lady side. She'll show that even more next chapter.

Btw I don't know when I'll update again. I just had a period that wasn't a lesson, but I did have to be at school (I don't know how to explain it) so I just typed this. I'll see when I update again but I don't think it's gonna be very soon. 

until next chapter, wich probably is gonna be the last chapter.

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