✧༺chapter 8༻✧

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Tom pov

I keep thinking about what happend. Why did Fae and I kiss? Who even began? Did I really like it? The feeling I got is weird, I've never felt like that before. I walk into the greathall for breakfast. there I see Fae listening to Abraxas who is talking very enthusiastic about something. I feel another weird feeling. it's weird, how I've never noticed her in the way I do now. She makes me feel these two emotions lately. It's going to be in my way. But why do I want her? Her by my side. Ruling with me. As the dark... stop it Tom. She's not gonna be the dark Lady. That sounds good, the dark Lord and the dark Lady. What if I us this to my advantage. How can I us this? She's powerfull, I can us that to accomplish my plans. She's also intelligent, she can come up with some smart plans with that smart head of hers, she looks cute when- CONCENTRATE, Tom you need to concentrate.  She's already helping with accomplishing and thinking of plans. But the tiny voice in my head keeps calling that she should join my side, as Lady, MY Lady. How will I get both the things I want most? She's obviously not approving of being immortal, she already told me her strong opinion on that when I told her I want to become immortal. I don't know why, but I tell her more about my plans, maybe that's why s- I am disturbed by Avery elbowing me in the stomach. He shouldn't have done that. He's lucky we're in the greathall know. When we're in the corridor he'll regret that.

okay that was a little pov of tom, what he thinks of the kiss. I just wanted to do that. But I NEED your help. I don't know how to get them together. Like, is Tom gonna ask, or is Fae gonna ask (Tom probably has to much pride for both, but okay), or are they suddenly together? please help me🙏

nobody awnsered this question! nobody awnsers my questions!!!! why do I even ask them? oh, right. you don't awnser questions, so why did I even ask.............😐😑 please awnser my questions, I'm just asking for your opinion, I also notice with other writers that question are rarely awnsered. It doesn't matter how late you are with reading the book, it's nice to know people actually think about our questions, cause now it just feels like I'm talking to a wall..... no a wall talks back, to me at least. yes I have too much fantisie, that's actually one of the reasons I began writing. to use my fantisy for something. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU WRITE THAT?!!! FANTISIE/FANTASIE whatever, you know what I mean, it's a difficult word for someone like me, with dyslexia and english is my second language. I actually think english is easier than my native language. but sometimes it's hard.

shit, this authors note was long almost longer then the chapter itself....................................

and i was too impatient to wait for your awnsers 😂😂

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