✧༺chapter 11༻✧

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You get it right now instead of tomorrow cause tomorrow I can't update. And I'm waaaayyyyyyyy to nervous for tomorrow. Oh well, that's not your problem. Enjoy🎵🎶

I go looking for him. then I find Abraxas with Tom. Tom looks very pale.

F"how could you let him do this?!"

A-M"what? i didn-

F"did you know about this? we need to get him to his dorm"

A-M"he actually wanted me to-

F"we're gonna bring him to his dorm"


F"no?" unbelievable, he thinks he has authority over me, well he kinda does but that's not the point now. I'm not gonna listen to him.

T"don't bring me to my dorm"

F"i am gonna bring you to your dormroom"

after Tom was brought to his dorm under a lot of protest from Tom I began taking care of him. I still can't believe he did this. it's destructive when you bassically rip a part of your soul let alone seven! i know that he wants to be immortal but there are other ways. not many witches and wizards know about it, but there are. you don't need to rip your soul apart! after I had put Tom in his bed and gave him a book if he wants to read and I walk to the other side of the room. but he keeps looking at me, my every movement. from across the room I look back at him, he sat on his bed, because 'mister stubborn' was to stubborn to lay in it, and i was on the other side of the room sitting on my bed. so i walked closer to him, and sat down on his bed, next to him.

F"how are you feeling now?"

T"been better"

F"okay. do you wanna do something?"


she asked me if i wanted to do something. well honnestly.... kiss her and never stop. i don't know what she has against horcruxes. i mean she knows so much about them. then what does she has against them? she's just really fascinating. she can speak a bit french. her favorite color is turqoise, favorite animal is a snake just like mine, but she thinks rats are cute, she likes reading, and drawing, things she hates are: spiders and other insects, horcruxes, alcohol, smoking, immortallity, and she doesn't like bright colors she prefers darker ones. it's quite interesting how we're so simmular but so different at the same time. she doesn't like to have attention or to be crowded, neither do i; but i like to be in control, she hates it, commanding others. the kneights really like her. ofcourse, we grow up with her. should i let her in? in m-my hea-heart? tell her I L-LOV-LOVE her?
(yes. it's very hard for him to say the word love, i guess. wait a sec...🤔 it's my book, so i decided it's hard for him to say the word love. for real tho, i think he doesn't say love or it's hard for him to say, cause in the francise he never coud feel love. so why are you bitches here simping over him, he can't love you in real-life? i'm guilty, i do too. and we don't care about real-life, or do we? i just live in my imagination, yes i do things while imagining characters being there. i do that with almost everything. and yes my imagination is very big😁 you know what's funny? i actually came up with the beginning of this book in that way and also other parts. actually all the things i write begin with me thinking of a scenario in my head. not with the purpose of it becoming a book 😂😂. and some other part of the book are from a scenario i came up with in my head i tried to remember and wrote it down later.)

........POV (who's POV do you think it is?)

?"listen Abraxas, you can never tell her okay?"

A-M"are you sure that it's the best?"

?"just don't tell her okay? no matter what happens. not even when she threatens you"

A-M"but she's scary when she's threatening"

?"i know. just don't tell her. promise me you won't"

A-M"i promise i won't"

she may never find out. none of the secrets. i trusted Abraxas with them and i know he won't tell her, exept if... no. that won't happen.

sooooo, what do you think? who is the mysterious person? what are they talking about? and who are they talking about? did i make you curious? i hope i did. and thank you for everyone who reads this! the part after the next one is short, i'm sorry in advance

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