✧༺chapter 21༻✧

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I'm soooooo sorry. I completely forgot to update yesterday

WHAT THE HECK!!!! So much people read my book!!!! This is amazing!!!! I hope you like it! This book almost has the same as my first one!!!(I myself don't recomand reading it, I feel like it's very bad and just chaos.  and I know the diference is exactly 100, but it's still close for me. wait a sec, THAT'S SOO MUCH PEOPLE READING MY BOOKS)

third POV

Marcus walks to the trainstation to begin his sixth year at hogwarts. But he's caugth by surprise when he gets a hug from behind from Fae.

M"have you missed me?"

F"you'd wish"

M"you're right m'am"

A"hello lovebirds" what they don't know is that there is a boy standing not so far away from them and if looks could kill Mattheo and Avery would lay dead on the ground by now. the boy decided not to go to them, but instead walked to the train. but before he could go inside he was tackled in a hug.

T"may I stand up?" she shook her head

T"do I need to hug you back?" she nodded, but instead of hugging he stood up with her still clungingy onto his body carrying her to an empty cabin. When they got there he hugged her back, but she still didn't let go of him. So he just sat with her on his lap. She was happy, she saw Tom again, but she never wanted to leave him in the orphanage again. Next vacations she'd take him with her.

F"I'm never gonna let you go to that awfull orphanage again"

T"Then where am I gonna stay?" he asked that although he already knew her anwser. 

F"with me"



T"what is it? You know you can tell me, right?"


T"please tell me"


T"I've never seen you this nerveus, it must be very exiting or-" he was cut of by her.

F"let m talk" he looks at her paying attention and nodding his head to tell her to continue "I-I lo-like you"

T"you do?"

"mhm" she burried her face in his neck to hide her red face.

T"if you didn't like me we wouldn't be friends, right?"

"mhm" she mumbled while nodding her head, but she couldn't help being dissapointed he didn't understand what she meant.

T"in what way do you mean like, darling"

F"in.....eh..I don't know"

T"love-like or just like"

F"since when do you know things about love?"

T"since apparantly I don't know anything about it, Avery wanted to give me lessons about love. and you know how he is when he wants to do something"

F"yea I do, but you actually payed attention to those lessons?"

T"I guess, but you haven't awnsered my question"

"I-l.... Ilovelikeyou"

T"can you repeat that? slower?"

"Ilovelike you" he raised his eyebrow since she barley changed the speed


" I lovelike you"

T"I do too"

"you lovelike yourself?" 


"well you should"

T"you know what I mean"

"but do you like me or love or... I dont know"

he kissed her lips "does that awnser your question?" Tom wispered after he kissed her.

"yes it does" she replied blushing, still sitting on his lap facing him.

F"how was your vacation?" his smile faded away and he looked serious again. Fae wished she never asked. She felt like she ruined the beautifull moment between them.

T"it was awfull"

F"I'm sorry to hear that"

T"but it's better now....." now that i'm with you he wanted to say, but he didn't. because he doesn't want to look weak infront of her. she already makes him very vulnerable. more than he likes to show, even to her. 

F"now that what?" she noticed the hesitation in his voice to say something else.

T"it's nothing" 

F" it is something, otherwise you wouldn't hesitate to say it" 

T"really it's nothing" he replied burying his face in her neck. he surprised Fae with that reaction. he never showed affection, and this kinda was affection. he always said: 'love, affecction, emotions, their all the same; a weakness. if you love someone they make you vulnerable, and then that person is your weakness. that's why I don't love, Marcus' she had heard him say this to Marcus, his brother, it made her sad. knowing that it was never going to be something more between them. Exept for knowing that you lo-like eachother. He hates the word love. I don't know why, but I can come up with a theorie why. He never was shown love by anyone in that awfull orphanage or by his parents. his father is a muggle, his mother a witch who used amortentia on his father. then they got twins, Tom and Mattheo, but because Tom never was shown any love or affection, while Mattheo got taken good care of. i don't understand why nobody adopted him. maybe because he doesn't let people in easilly, but how and why did he let me in? she thought about it for awhile.

T"Fae? do you still wanna hear it?"

F"oh eh, yes. sorry, i was lost in my thoughts"

T"it's fine. i wanted to say that it's better now.... now that I-I'm with you"

F"i'm glad you feel safe with me" she gave him a kiss on the cheek. then they both noticed more people coming in the train, so Fae got of off his lap. otherwise they had a lot to explain to their friends. and it was still very complicated for themselfs.

the first love convession is made!! yay!!! i hope it wasn't to bad, because i feel like it's very bad and cringe. but i needed a chapter to help going to the next year. and i needed their loveconfession for a nother chapter that happens in this year.

i hope to see you in the next chapter.

I already had this one done for a long time but didn't know where to put it, so if there are mistakes please tell me.

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