✧༺chapter 16༻✧

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sorry that it's so late. I've got a lot of shit going on in my life and cried like 4 times today.😕 hope ya'll are doing better than me.


it's hard to believe he asks me to do this. I thought he hated me. That's most of all the reason I said yes. and a year ago i made a promise. I always keep my promises. most people say that it's to extreme to do it, but it's not that extreme. no, from Tom it's nice. and not extreme. he's done worse things, a lot worse. i've also done worse things, but that's not what it's about. 

i apparate myself to the locating Tom said. there i see a house. with an open door. who has an opened door at a time like this? it's like midnight. i walk inside.......


did she actually do it? i don't know if i can trust her so i go there myself to see it. she walks inside and sees the person. what's she gonna do? is she gonna do what i told her, or something else? she does exactaly what i told her. i apparate myself back to my dorm. a few minutes later she apparates back just like i did. i notice her looking at me but i don't move. i keep acting as if i'm reading a book.

F"really Tom? I know you're not reading" she did it again. does she never learn?

T"what did I say about my name?"

F"oh I'm sorry Tom" she says mockingly. but i won't let her mock me. 

T"you need to be learned a lesson" Fae furrowed her brows together in confusion."crucio" (WHAT DO YOU HAVE WITH CRUCIO, DUDE!!) 

now she isn't confussed anymore, she is in pain, but she doesn't scream. she stays calm. how? i don't like this, not at all. why doesn't she show a reaction. i look her in the eyes trying to see pain or anything. nothing. i swallow in frustraition. why doesn't it hurt her? 

she seemed to have read my thoughts. F"hurts but i know how to hide it. kinda like it" she said gritting between her teeth. (yes it's from the song. no this chapter isn't because of that. i just needed text and noticed it sounded a lot like the song, so i made it like the song)

so it did hurt. otherwise she wouldn't grit it through her teeth. interesting. it does hurt her, but she can hide it. also very usefull. maybe- STOP IT! I THOUGHT WE WERE OVER THIS. 

i look at her again. she's still not showing emotion, eventhough i didn't stop the spell. 


why doesn't he stop the spell? it hurts. he's probably lost in his thoughts. i'm not gonna say anything to him, otherwise he'll think i'm weak or he'll hear the pain in my voice. the pain from the curse and how he's changed over the break. i'm never gonna let him go back to that orphanage! it destroice him and the people around him indirectly. i mean, Tavor's death was like a week ago. i still can't believe he's dead. i miss him. he always was nice. sometimes anoying but sweet. when he died i promised to him i wouldn't cry anymore, cause nothing can hurt as much as losing a dear friend! yes not even when i'm on my period, wich is hard. (you know what's also hard? h- don't. don't say it a/n) but i always keep my promises. exept when i was 9 and i promised my mom i wouldn't go in the forest. (everyone gets a flashback to the first chapter) but I never was a well behaved child also not such a sweetheart, I'm still not. yes, I look and act innocent, but I'm not. You don't wanna know what i've already done. the pain is gone? i barely noticed it anymore, i was so lost in my thoughts. i turn to look at him. he's also looking at me. He.Is.Hot. Why did I just think that? He is though..... Why am I simping over a murderer? This is the dumbest thing I've ever done! Simping over someone who doesn't want you. and I've done a lot dumb things, so this says something about me. But I never admit when I do something wrong. I have to much damn pride for that. why is that a bad thing? well you lose friendships for that and- a lot more. (NO. she didn't lose her v-card because of that. what's up with the dirty thoughts a/n? it's not even evening or night, it's in the late afternoon. I don't know what's wrong with me today. sorry. maybe it's that it's not night or evening? no lately i write around this time.) 

btw she also hasn't had her first kiss yet.... wait a sec, she did, with Tom. so the 'intimate' things you read is what she's done. if you're like, but she's so innocent! she ins't really interested in Love. why you're asking? she knows she's gonna have an arranged marriage, and she doesn't really know what loving is. it's most of the time apreciating and caring, not loving.

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