✧༺chapter 20༻✧

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hello I know it's not saturday, but I'll probably won't be able to publish tommorow so here's the chapter that I'd actually publish tommorow. I hope you enjoy it. and it's a short one so I'm sorry for that


I walk into the chamber silently, but I can't help but feel like I'm being watched. I scan the chamber with my eyes, there she is, staring at me.
T"Faith, what are you doing here"
F"I could ask  you the same"
T"just answer the question"
F"well, I am pissed of by you so I'm not telling you"
T"Why do you always have to be so stubborn?" I'm so tired from her being so stuburn and hard to handle and don't want to have this conversation.
F"I'm not stubborn, you are the one being stubborn Tom! do you even care about me? I guess you never did otherwise you wouldn't-
T"shut up Jones!!" I don't even want to hear what she has to say. T"get out!"
F"why? why are you shutting me out?" (Frozen❄ 😀the scene between Elsa and Anna. I seriously don't know why I thought of that, probably because Anna says something simular) 
F"No Tom! I won't! not until you tell me what's going on. Why did your mood suddenly change?" does she never stop? doesn't she know when to leave me alone? why can't she just let go of me? when she does that I'll be able- no! don't let her be your weakness, you already begun now you can't back out!
(I kinda feel like ending it here. I don't know why, probably because of what I said I chapter 17, cause I already had the words I have for the end of the chapter done, but not the part of the story thats happening in this chapter yet. I'll try to make the rest not very shity)


If he can't mature I'll just leave I guess, but something in me wants me to stop. I turn around and look at him again, just to see him looking back at me. I just want to run to him and kiss him, but I can't do that. I feel so sad knowing that we'll never be something, but I can't cry. I promised I wouldn't cry anymore.

....... POV

The end of the year is near. (that rimes😆) Everyone is packing their stuff so they'll be ready to go home, saying their goodbyes. Not knowing what will happen next year, the awful truth is coming closer and closer, they're so naïeve. Unaware of the pain they'll be experiencing next year. The pain they'll do one another. 

Why am I talking so much about pain? It doesn't matter, cause now I'm actually gonna stop here for this chapter. For a moment I forgot who's POV it is at the end, cause I'm writting this like 4 days after I wrote the rest of this chapter. Now that we're talking about it, Who's POV do you think it is?

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