✧༺chapter 14༻✧

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I'm still sick. so you getting another one😁 and thank you very much for the 226 reads

the next morning


I wake up and feel something heaving on my waist, I look.

What the fuck? Why am I in bed with Marcus? Did something change last night between us or was there a party and I got drunk? I have no idea.

M"morning Fae. How do you feel after last night?" I wided my eyes in shock. So we did

M"what?.......did you think- haha no we didn't. Did you really think we did?"

F"can't blame me for thinking that. Okay? But what happened last night?"

After he told me what had happened he got out of the bed to take a shower. I stay in his bed thinking. more like overthinking.

what happend to Tom? did i do something wrong? does he hate me? did he ever even like me? yes, right? he did kiss me, but what if it all was a part of his plan? am i a bad kisser? is that why he changed? or is it because i'm ugly? (you are so fucking beautifull, never let anyone (even yourself) say that you're not. and if they do, don't believe them, cause it's not true. beauty is on the inside. (shit i'm only 14 and i say wise words. never thought i'd say something like that, but okay. and not that i listen to it myself, not at all if i'm honnest.)) 
maybe i should go talk to him.

i got out of the bed and changed into sweatpants and a sweater from Marcus that are to big for me.
(i dont care if they didn't exist yet) after i changed i walked to my dorm i am sharing with Tom. when i walk in i don't see him. so i decide to change in my own clothes and go looking for Tom. i changed into a dark green casual dress. after i've changed i walk into the halls trying to find Tom.

i don't see him anywhere in the halls. i go looking in the greathall. he also isn't there. maybe in a classroom? nope. i go looking in my dorm again, cause i could've just not seen him, right?

after a while of looking i still haven't found him where is he? i see Abraxas
F"Abraxas? do you know where Tom is?"

A-M"don't call him Tom! please don't. i don't want to see you crucio-ed too. i don't think i'll be able to see another of my friends- like that"

F"what were you gonna say?"

A-M"exactaly what i said"

F"no! you hasitated to say something else!!"

A-M"Okay Fine!!! TAVOR AVERY IS DEAD!!! HE KILLED HIM OKAY!!! he's dead" he started to feel his own tears. he cried.

but Fae heard the words repeat themselves like a song

Tavor Avery is dead

he's dead

Avery is dead

he's dead



he's dead

I'm so sorry my friends.... Tavor is dead😭 we're gonna miss you Tavor! Please a minute silence for Tavor Avery.

Now that we've shown sympathy for Tavor let's move on to the questions. Where do you think Tom is? And do you think Fae should just forget about Tom or give him another chance? Please let me know what you would do, or think she should do. And should Avery also be a horcrux?

I know it's a short chapter, but something I originaly wrote here I did in a different chapter. So it's not gone, but a different one. not saying wich one.

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