alternative ending?

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Someone asked for an alternative ending. And I'm happy to make one... But I've got a problem... Multiple actually.....

1 Ive got two ideas for an alternative ending...

2 I don't know which one to choose

3 I'm suddenly getting a lot of creative fuel for the alternative ending 9 hours before I have to go to sleep in the morning... Not your problem but still...

But I thought that I'd say it a little bit and ask cause I've got very vague ideas and there kinda similar.. Except for what happens between Tom and Fae... One is good for the simps and the other is good for mental health 😂😂
And the POV of the person is also different in both options one has Tom's POV and the other Fae's... At least I think so

so, good for simps or good for mental health.

Please help me out. I probably will be writing both of them while I wait on your answers, cause I think they're kinda difficult to write long enough... With how much I've got now I'd be like 5 sentences max😂😂
Like 'and they lived happily average after' yes that is what I've got for the simps right now... But I want to write it a liiittle more detailed than that😂😂

so please comment what you want to see? Or if you want to see both.. I suppose that's also an option.. 😂😂
Yup, I didn't think of that earlier and I should sleep cause my mind is tired... I wonder why my mind always turns on when I should sleep....

.... I'm trying to say bye twice but end up talking more.... Then we really know my mind is tired and I don't have a stopbutton😂😂 ADHD😐 yup blaming my issues and ADHD 😂😂😂
Anyway please let me know what I should do. I'll try my best to go to sleep cause in 8 and a half hours I have school.

edit: okay ehh, one of the ideas kinda changed, but it's still from Fae's POV and Tom doesnt die, pls tell me which idea to publish or if i should do both. 

(if no one awnsers i will adress it. but i probably will publish both, but neither is done yet. but i would like to know which idea you would want to see)

edit edit: nevermind, fuck everything i've said. i chose myself. and am very happy with the one i chose. i might even finish it tonight 😁😁

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