✧༺chapter 17༻✧

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Sorry I just found out I didn't publish part 15 yet. So you're lucky two parts one day. And I'm sorry it's a late update. At the end of this chapter I explain why.

Abraxas POV

I walk inside Tom and Fae's dorm to see them staring at each other. Tom sitting on his chair and Fae on his desk!? what happend here? It's so silent I feel like I may not interupt the silence. what were they doing? They were not having- wait? is Fae bleeding? how can he just look at her and not do anything? I walk to the bathroom to get a first-aid kit. 

"no need for that Abraxas" Fae says still staring at Tom.

A-M"but what happend? what are you doing on his desk? what were you doing?"

T"talking. we were talking"

F"maybe if you didn't came in something would've happend" my eyes widend in shock while they still didn't look away from each other.

T"nothing would've happend Jones"

F"ever heard of being sarcastic Riddle?" shit! you can just feel the tension between them.

A-M"can you two stop it?"

F"if mister dramatic stops yes"

T"I am not dramatic Jones" Tom says demanding

A-M"what's up with the lastnames?"

F"Tom suddenly began saying my lastname so I do the same with him."

T"can't I call her by her name?"

A-M"it's just you never called her by her last name in years. and why do you let her say your firstname?"

F"because he's to weak" Fae is seriously being too sassy now

T"I.am.not.weak" shit! he's so gonna beat the living shit out of her!

F"then show it!"

T"you wanna do that again?"

F"you were to weak last time"

T"crucio" oh no. poor Fae. 

F"very.funny.Riddle" she said angrily "too can play that game" what does she mean? "crucio" oh no. she didn't.

a week later


it's a week ago when she crucio-ed me. she knows she pissed me off. but didn't apologize. (what do I need to apologize for bish? hm? it's you who needs to apologize. a-hole) wich isn't the smartest decision. for now nothing has happend. except that Abraxas told the knights what has happend, but they're already punnished for that. it's not the smartest decision to tell people about things like that. but they've already learned that now. Faith's punnisment isn't the worst, i'm not that mean. just that the knights may not talk to her or even be near her. and they change everything about her in the schooldocuments so she'll be suspended. did I forget to tell you? she isn't a perfect anymore. now it's a stupid whore who won't stop flirting with me. strange enough Faith doesn't seem to like that. is she yealous? jealousy, an emotion i've learned from Avery before I killed him. The guys seem to miss him. they really need to stop caring about others. it's their weakness. Love, the weakness of almost everyone. it's honnestly pathetic. why would you care about others?


"what?!!" i snap back


"do what Jones?!!"

"Tell them not to talk to me, Idiot!!!"

"I'm not an idiot bitch"

"no. you're just pathetic, Riddle" she says suddenly a lot calmer.

"i'm not, Jones"

"why did you stop calling me Fae?"

"because I have manners"

"no! you're an asshole"

"You are the bitch here"

"i am not!"

"don't lie to me"

"i'm not lying"


"i wouldn't lie about something like this!"

"about what would you lie then?"

"about... something you're not interested in"

"you don't know that for sure"

"so? i know what you're interested in and what not. that's how i know you won't be interested in this. and don't change the subject!"

"I didn't change it. you did it yourself... and besides, i thought you were over it. or are you to weak to get over things?" he stepped closer to her trying to intimidate her, but she wasn't scared. she just stared as coldly back. why isn't she scared of me? i seriously don't understand! did I do something wrong while trying to intimidate her? I guess so.

Fae POV (i'm not gonna let you read his mind any longer, otherwise he might torture you because you know too much, and we don't want that)

he steps closer to me, trying to intimidate me. it doesn't work. I just stare back at him, in his beautiful eyes. Why am I even thinking like this? he's an asshole, but he is handsome. I wonder what he thinks now. I begin to read his mind. 'why isn't she scared of me? i seriously don't understand! did I do something wrong while trying to intimidate her? I guess so.' interesting 'she looks so- I don't know. she looks good from this point of view' does he really think so? 'she has beautiful green eyes' thank you Riddle. I begin to smirk because of his thoughts 'why is she smirking? does she think i look weird? she's reading my mind.' Tom began looking at her very angrily, but I continued to smirk whilist looking at him.

"stop it Jones"


"you know exactaly what i mean"

"oh, do I?"

"yes you do!" he got irritated

"are you sure?" to irritate him even more I do something that I haven't done in a long time. 

 cliffhanger!!!! what do you think is gonna happen?

I'm sorry to tell you this, but my mental health is bad right now. I'll try to keep updating, but it's possible that the updates will be later, but I'll keep publishing the parts I already had done. It's possible that there are somethings that aren't supposed to be in a chapter, I'll just publish the chapter and make sure that it's good later, just like I did with the last chapter and I almost have the next chapters till part 20, so it's possible that you see a whole mood change in my writing.. It's just that I have to deal with a lot of shit in my life right now, and I'm not feeling the best. Not sick just very exhausted of my life, cause isn't the easiest. I hope ya'll are doing a lot better than me. I really hope so.

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