it's come to an end😭

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Okay, I know. The last Chapter was already published almost 2 weeks ago etc. But I just want to explain myself. I will probably repeat myself for a part just with more details now.

I wanted to do more between chapters 23-28, but I couldn't since I didn't want to keep y'all waiting. I knew that I couldn't write the ending I wanted, I found peace with it and wrote a okay ending. Maybe I'm just bad at endings, but we'll work on that😆

I had a lot of stress. I'll explain why in a minute. That stress exhausted me and if I'm too tired I don't have the energy and fantasy to write. So I really had to force myself to continue writing. Yes it was fun.

The reason for my stress is my personal situation. My parents are divorced, we have to move after this school year, school isn't going great (luckily I found peace with it if I have to re-do the year), I'm afraid of disappointing others (also you because I take so long). It's not easy to deal with that when you're 14.

I don't want your pitty or sympathy I just wanted to explain myself. Did you think that I'm fourteen?

And for anyone who wonders we know where we're gonna life the question is just how and I need to sort my stuff because the space we have will be smaller. And I also plan on writing other books but for now I'm just taking a break to writing a little bit without publishing and reading your comments and other books on here.

For the next book I plan on publishing I begun with chapter 3, but just the first sentence😅😆😂 maybe I'll publish the first chapter on my birthday, that isn't till March. Or I'll publish two parts on my birthday😁 it just seems like something fun to do for me.

I almost forgot to ask (I did but the WiFi was gone and suddenly I remembered again🤭 thank you bad WiFi, but only this time. Next time I'll curse you out in my head again😇😂) do y'all want an alternative ending or sequel or something? Please let me know.

Now I will officially put it on finnished😭. I really loved writing it sooooo much!

I hope y'all liked it I know I loved/love reading your comments and seeing you vote en support me😊 thank you for that. And maybe till another time. Bye👋

edit: for anyone whos interested a little update from my life. i have to move BEFORE the end of the school year... i have to switch schools too... i'll move end may. and my birthday has been, so now i can officially say that this book was written by a cringe 14 year old 😂😂😂🤭🤭 the only thing im certain of is that my life is uncertian right now... ive got no idea what next year is gonna look like....

anyway, have a great night/day and you all made my day with the reads,comments,votes i got on both my books. maybe ill see you in a next book ❤❤❤

Another edit: for whoever is interested. I've got an idea about how next year looks like. I know, I haven't done a damn thing on here for a few months I think, but I'm alive. I'm probably gonna make/continue some drafts I have into stories. But I have no clue yet. Or edit my existing stories.

And the move has been good. Except that my new class has a lot of bitchy and immature people, but I've just turned into the quiet kid who reads 90% of the time😂 so does anyone have any recommendations for books in English or Dutch. Preferably not on wattpad😂 then I can actually read it in class without having my phone taken away. so that would be lovely. And thanks so so sooooo much for reading my book💜💜

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