✧༺chapter 25༻✧

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"I'm so sorry. Your shirt is wet" I say feeling very guilty for making it wet.

"it's fine, It's just a shirt" he replies taking it of. It takes me a minute before realising I was gawking at him, but when I finally realise I quickly look away. To which he chuckles.

"like what you see darling?" I bit my lip thinking of a response. A habit of mine wich I should've changed a long time ago, but I still didn't learn anything. It's A HABIT, and I rarely change my habits. My thoughts are stopped when I feel him walking closer to me. I know in what a dangerous position we are now. If neither of us stops this... I know he isn't gonna stop it. I quickly stop biting my lip when I realise I was STILL doing that. and take a quick step back, wich results in me losing my balance and Tom catching me, resulting in us being even closer! the opposit effect of what I wanted!! no what I ment to happen, I do want it but just not the whole school hearing and knowing.

"I know that you don't want them to know darling. but that's what we have silencing spells for, right?" he said in a deep lustfull voice. He KNOWS I can't with that voice, it's such a hot, sexy voice. I begin to kiss him not able to control myself anymore. He kisses me back, wich is no surprise. 


She kisses me. I kiss her back guiding her back to her desk and lift her by her thights so she sits on her desk. I go down until I kiss her neck, I stay there for I don't know how ling while she's moaning, I go down even further until I reach her blouse. I begin unbuttoning her blouse, I clisp of her bra and begin kissing her breasts.

(pulling up youtube for smut playlist while writing this😅 I litterally just smushed the things above this togheter and it's actually good! surprisingly. I just had the thing from Tom's POV somehere and added it here, and surprisingly it fits!! okay imma continue feeling uncomfertable for the sake of my readers while writing smut, hoping my family doesn't dicides to check on me after I've disepeared over two hours ago.)

(17 minutes later. SHIT, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WRITE!! I'M SO FUCK BAD AT THIS. Literally sitting on the floor with the music, but I don't know what to write. I'm so dissapointed in myself!! seriously stop disapointing your readers)

(4 minutes later. let's try writting third POV, maybe that's easier. (I actually didn't try writing smut after my first attempt, because it was so fucking bad))

(5 minutes later. nevermind I'll keep Tom's POV)

her hands reach my hair pulling at it. I give her hickeys over her whole body whilist she moans my name. we're lucky for that silencing spell I had put on before she came in. now I'm glad for my gut telling me to put it on. 


I wake up to the feeling of lips on my chest. I open my eyes and see Tom.

"good morning princess" he kisses my lips before going to my neck. I close my eyes again enjoying his touch. 

(I sat on the floor cross-legged for two hours minus ten minutes. I need a break so Imma stop here for now. mind you, I wrote this right after last chapter without a break)


"Hmm, yes? " He replied, but immediately went back to kissing my collarbone making a hickey.

"Tom, look at me" I used my finger to lift his face making him look at me.

Clearly not liking that I stopped him he replied "what's wrong Faith?"

"Don't call me that"

"Don't ignore me"

"I'm not ignoring you"

"You ignored my question. What do I have to call you if I can't call you by your name, darling?"

"That's a good example"

"You keep ignoring my question"

"We can't do this"

"Why not?"

"We already had sex last night. If you're still horny it's your own problem now. I have to teach children" When I made a comment on him being horny he gave me a look of disapproval while I got out of bed to change.

"I'm not horny"

"Yea right, you're not" I had turned my back to him while buttoning my blouse when I felt his hands on my hips.

"Goodbye darling" He said as he used one hand on my chin to lift my head to kiss me on the lips from the back. When he pulled away I whimpered in disapproval.

"I'm horny?" He said with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh shut up" I turned around to see he was already dressed and ready to apparate. And I'm ready to start the school day.

Soooo, what do you think of this chapter? I wrote the part after the break on my phone in the car. It isn't as easy as on my laptop. I really hope you enjoyed my sufforing, cause I suffered a lot writing this. First when I sat crossed-legged and later when I wrote this on my phone.

and the same question as last time. What should she teach?

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